Posted at 10:34hin Language translationbyadmin
(Last Updated On: June 29, 2023)
10 Love Sentences in the Dutch Language With English Translation
Imagine seeing a stunning girl in a bar. Unfortunately, she can’t speak English. She can only speak German. You could have found the dearest of your life, but you were caught in a challenging language barrier.
Many think that the German language sounds hard. Dutch sounds like angry people all the time. And they seem as if they don’t have a sense of humor. The Dutch people are also romantic. We can find affection language in many Dutch songs and on Dutch TV.
You could have said, “I want you!” but you don’t know how to say the words in Dutch. This blog is for situations that require you to express love in Dutch. I present the ten affection sentences in the Dutch language with English translation. Each sentence was translated by actual Germans who can speak both English and Dutch. This blog will also present other sentences and words that you can tell your Dutch partner.
1. Ik ben verliefd op jou
This sentence means “I am in love with you.” in English.
2. Wil je met me uit?
This term translates to “Let’s go on a date.”
3. Ik hou van jou.
It means “I love you.”
4. Wij zijn voor elkaar bestemd.
It means “We are made for each other’.
5. Wij zijn voor elkaar bestemd.
This translates to “We are made for each other.”
6. Wil je met me trouwen?
This is similar to the English sentence, “Do you want to marry me?”.
7. Jij bent de liefde van mijn leven.
This means, “You are the love of my life.”
8. Mag ik je telefoonnummer?
This translates to “May I have your phone number?”
9. Wil je met me dansen?
This is equivalent to the sentence “Would you like to dance with me?”.
10. Wil je verkering met me?
This sentence means, “Do you want to start a romantic relationship with me?”.
Other sentences might be helpful in your relationship with a Dutch. These sentences are for you.
Heb je zin om met mij uiteten te gaan ?
This phrase indicates: ‘I’m romantically interested in you.’
Ben je dit weekend vrij?
Are you free this weekend?
Waar zullen we afspreken ?
Where shall we meet?
Heb je zin om samen iets te gaan doen ?
Would you like to hang out with me?
Hoe laat zullen we morgen afspreken?
What time shall we meet tomorrow?
Heb je een vriend/vriendin?
It is similar to the English sentence “Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?”
Wat zit je haar leuk!
It is an expression that means “You have a nice haircut.”
Kom je hier vaker?
Do you visit this place frequently?
Ik ken je ergens van.
It is equivalent to the sentence “I think I’ve seen you before.”
Heb je een vuurtje?
It translates to “Do you have a lighter?”.
Mag ik je wat te drinken aanbieden?
It means “May I offer you a drink?”.
Zullen we nog eens afspreken?
Similar to the sentence “Shall we meet another time?”.
Zal ik je naar huis brengen?
It translates to the English sentence, “Shall I bring you home?”.
Breng je me even naar huis?
It means, “Would you bring me home?”
Bedankt voor het thuisbrengen. Welterusten!
Thank you for bringing me home. Good night!
Kom je nog even binnen?
Do you want to come in?
Wil je nog iets drinken?
Do you want (to come in for) a drink?
Hou je van mij?
Do you love me?
Hou je nog van mij?
Do you still love me?
Ik hou niet meer van jou.
I don’t love you anymore.
Wij houden van elkaar.
We love each other.
Ik kan niet zonder jou.
I can’t live without you.
Wij zijn voor elkaar bestemd.
We are made for each other.
Jij bent de liefde van mijn leven.
You are the love of my life.
mijn schatje
my dear
Wil je met me trouwen?
Do you want to marry me?
Ik maak het uit.
I end our relationship.
These are words related to affection.
de liefde
the love
to flirt
het afspraakje
the date
de verkering
the romanticrelationship
de relatie
the (love) relationship
verliefd zijn
to be in love
verliefd zijn op iemand
to be in romantic relationship with someone
mijn vriend
my (boy)friend
mijn vriendin
my (girl)friend
hij is mijn vriend
he is my boyfriend
hij is een vriend van mij
he is a friend (no romantic affection!)
de ware liefde
the true love
de ware
the one
vlinders in je buik hebben
to be in love
is het wederzijds?
is the other one in love as well?
een lekker stuk
an attractive person
een lekker wijf
an attractive girl
de kus
the kiss
to kiss
to make love
veilig vrijen
safe sex
met elkaar naar bed gaan
to have sex
ik wil met je naar bed
I want to make love with you
de liefdesbrief
the love letter
een blauwtje lopen
to be turned down
love sickness
to marry
het huwelijk
the marriage
een huwelijksaanzoek
a marriage proposal
to divorce
een knipperlichtrelatie
a relationship of people repeatedly breaking up and coming together
een latrelatie
a relationship in which people don’t live with each other
Learning another language is a challenge, but it improves your vocabulary, and you gain a lot from it. Learning to say “I want to be with you” in other tongues helps a lot.
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