10 Minute Pepperoncini Relish Recipe | Cake 'n Knife (2024)


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Pepperoncini Relish is a flavorful explosion of simple ingredients that only takes 10 minutes to whip up! You can use it on your favorite hot dog or brat, or get creative with some of the ideas I listed below. Makes 1 1/2 cups.

10 Minute Pepperoncini Relish Recipe | Cake 'n Knife (1)

Disclosure: This post has been sponsored by Mezzetta. As always, all opinions are my own.

I am a relish kinda gal. If you know me at all, you know that I love anything pickled. This is a normal love affair for me, but now that I am pregnant?

Holy wow has that craving increased!

10 Minute Pepperoncini Relish Recipe | Cake 'n Knife (2)

I will eat anything pickled, and while I will eat pickles, I also crave other pickled veggies. This is where Mezzetta comes in for the W-I-N.

Their pepperoncini and jalapenos are some of my favorite sandwich toppings, not to mention their peppers as well (I could just sit and eat them straight out of the jar!). To me, there’s no other brand to reach for because Mezzetta has the boldest flavor out there.

10 Minute Pepperoncini Relish Recipe | Cake 'n Knife (3)

While I was sitting at my desk on a workday, I wondered what else I could do with these delightful little treats… Thankfully, Mezzetta wanted to get in on the action too, so we are partnering here today to show you just how Mezzetta Mezzetta Makes It Betta!

Today, we are talking about RELISH.

10 Minute Pepperoncini Relish Recipe | Cake 'n Knife (4)

Relish is one of those condiments that people usually only reach for when you have a hot dog, so you might not think much of it. Well, I’m making you think otherwise because I’m bringing Mezzetta pepperoncini and jalapenos to the party!

When it comes to adding a little extra something to everyday dishes, this simple pepperoncini relish is where it’s AT.

10 Minute Pepperoncini Relish Recipe | Cake 'n Knife (5)

The recipe itself is so simple, and you might think that it’s only used for topping hot dogs or brats, but you would be wrong.

Of course, that’s one of my favorite ways to use it, so don’t think I’m knocking it! I love to pile up this relish on a juicy brat with ketchup and mustard – SO amazing.

10 Minute Pepperoncini Relish Recipe | Cake 'n Knife (6)

There are simple ways you can incorporate this recipe into your favorite recipes too. Here are some of my personal favorites:

Pile it up on a block of cream cheese and serve with your favorite crackers for an easy appetizer.

Use it on top of sandwiches and burgers.

Make a sandwich spread with this relish, mustard, and mayonnaise.

Incorporate it into potato, egg, or tuna salad.

Mix it into ground turkey burger patties for a little extra zing.

Swap it for pickle relish in tartar sauce or thousand island dressing for a whole new take on the recipe.

10 Minute Pepperoncini Relish Recipe | Cake 'n Knife (7)

let’s make yummy pepperoncini relish!

Chop It All Up

Don’t worry because we are letting the food processor do the work here! Add all the peppers, onion, and garlic to a food processor bowl and pulse until everything is finely chopped up.

10 Minute Pepperoncini Relish Recipe | Cake 'n Knife (8)

Cook Down

Place that pepper and onion mixture in a saucepan with pepperoncini juice, lemon juice, and red pepper flakes; cooking it down over medium heat for about 3 to 5 minutes. You want to wait until the vegetables are slightly softened and some of the juices have released.

Drain & Cool

Drain out the relish and let it cool completely before you stir in the parsley, oil, salt, and pepper. Serve however you like or store in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks.

can I can this recipe?

I am not familiar with canning, so I don’t want to make any promises here about canning and how it will last. The little that I know tells me it’s doable! I would recommend adding the relish to your prepared jar, then filling the rest of the way with the brine from the peperoncini jar. Just be sure to leave 1/4-inch at the top of the jar. That should do the trick!

If anyone is a canning expert and tries this, I’d love to hear about your results in the comments below!

10 Minute Pepperoncini Relish Recipe | Cake 'n Knife (9)

everyday seasonal cookbook

With seasonal produce guides, recipes, and more, this cookbook is filled with seasonal food for every occasion.

10 Minute Pepperoncini Relish Recipe | Cake 'n Knife (10)

10 Minute Pepperoncini Relish Recipe | Cake 'n Knife (11)

Pepperoncini Relish

Ready in 10 minutes, this relish goes well on everything from brats to burgers and more!

4.9 from 140 votes

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Prep Time: 5 minutes mins

Cook Time: 10 minutes mins

Total Time: 15 minutes mins



  • Add peperoncini, jalapenos, bell peppers, onion, and garlic to the food processor. Pulse until everything is finely chopped.

  • Dump out mixture into a saucepan and stir in peperoncini juice, lemon juice, and red pepper flakes. Cook over medium heat for about 3 to 5 minutes, until the vegetables are slightly softened.

  • Drain out any excess liquid with a fine mesh sieve. Let cool completely and place in a medium bowl. Stir in remaining ingredients and serve.

  • To store, place in an airtight container (I like to use a mason jar!) and store in the refrigerator for 1 to 2 weeks.

Cuisine: American

10 Minute Pepperoncini Relish Recipe | Cake 'n Knife (2024)


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Name: Ray Christiansen

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Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.