9 Things Everyone Should Understand About Love (2024)

When I have asked people over the years what love means to them, I’ve gotten many different answers. Some tell me that love makes them feel chosen and desirable. Others describe it as safety, protection, and comfort. Disillusioned people may refer to it as a seductive disappointment, meant to tease, promise, and then disappear. The saddest share that they don’t know if they’ve ever known love or ever will.

Very few people talk to me about their responsibility to the fragility of love, as a relationship that must be protected to survive and nurtured to thrive. They don’t think about what they must do on their end to keep love in their lives.

I do know how love behaves and what you must do to welcome and keep it in your lives. Perhaps what I can share with you might make it more likely that you will understand what it needs from you to motivate it to stick around.


1. Enhances All Emotions. When love shows up in your life, you may notice that it opens the floodgates to emotions you may have suppressed or forgotten to feel. Suddenly, you become aware of the potential pain of loss, dependencies that make you uncomfortable, a melting of defenses, a need to re-prioritize everything in your life. You are more sensitive, more responsive, and yes, emotionally naked. Fears from past failures or early traumas emerge, demanding your focus.

2. Waxes and Wanes. Love is not consistent or predictable. It can explode and then disappear in moments, sometimes without warning or a predictable future. It can be overwhelmingly present and then elusively quiet. Like a feral animal, it may at once be demanding of nurturing and attentiveness and then run into a place where you cannot find it. You must have faith in its desire to remain part of your life and not chase it when it is quiet—yet welcome it when it returns.

3. Is Stress Responsive. Stress overloads the emotional, intellectual, and physical capacity of a person’s ability to cope. It steals all resources, forcing a person to sharply focus on solving its demands. The joy of love that thrives in a timeless space often cannot take a back seat for long to anxiety, fear, reactivity, or inability to be at peace. What may be a predictable and easy response to the needs of another now fail under the weight of other demands.

4. Creates Oxytocin. When this chemical messenger floods the body, it produces feelings of trust, bonding, love of touch, romantic attachment, stress-reduction, and it lessens emotional and physical pain. It is a remarkable love potion. Yet, it can be diminished when not sought after or nourished. So often, a couple in need of one another’s comfort during hard times don’t realize that enhancing oxytocin can help them get through difficulties. Stopping to just breathe in each other’s arms or gently massaging each other’s bodies, can re-stimulate the very chemical they need to get through the distress.

5. Responds to Nostalgia and Dreams and Romantic Moments. Even when times are hard and romantic partners feel too far away from each other in the current moment, they can intentionally bring back moments when they were close and remind each other of who they have been at their best. This can be in the form of music, smells, memories, revisiting meaningful places, or remembering a special book or poem they once shared. Love can still exist from the past and keep its place in line until a better future resumes, but a couple must initiate those experiences and take the time to share them when they are facing challenges.


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6. Is Fragile When Ignored. Love is a breathing entity. It does not wait for us to find it, and it disconnects when it is not sought. It cannot be taken for granted or expected to serve when convenient. It must, instead, be enshrined for the beauty it can bring and appreciated every moment it exists. Even when love is not currently yours, it is blossoming somewhere and needs to be honored just because it exists at all. Feeling the desire to love is more healing in its own way than receiving it. If that experience is denied within, it cannot find its way to emerge to the outside.

7. Is Hard to Heal When It Breaks. If love is not acknowledged, is thrown aside or not honored, it dies. But most often, just a little bit at a time, it is struggling to stay until it can no longer. When it diminishes, it is never easy to coax it back into existence, no matter what is done. Beware of “too little, too late.” So often people remember when love was crying out to ears and hearts that would or could not listen. Like a fire that dies for lack of fuel, lost love has no embers. Its existence is even more in jeopardy when it is then condemned forever.

Relationships Essential Reads

Love and the Quest for Significance

Finding Love After 50: Three Secrets to Success

8. Thrives on Humor, on Joy, and Hope. Love is not always meant to be serious or heavy. Even in the hardest times, people can find happiness somewhere and renew their faith in a different future. Things that are joyful, silly, and lighthearted exist around us even when we can not produce them easily ourselves. We can borrow from experiences outside us that remind us that joy still exists and that we have not only known it, but will again. There may not be energy for the kind of laughter that heals, but there is always something going on close by that can make us smile, even if just for a moment. Love will awaken at the sight and sound of possibility, even if it has to wait a while to be experienced.

9. Is Very Susceptible to Outside Influences. Love cannot be contained within a bubble. Every experience, every person, every thought, every feeling, every demand, every action that comes from the outside affects its ability to stay or leave. Pressures from families, from religious teachings, from past or current loss, from earlier successes or failures, all affect love’s ability to flourish or to die. When challenges threaten its existence, it must be prioritized and nurtured, or it will disappear.

Facebook image: mimagephotography/Shutterstock

9 Things Everyone Should Understand About Love (2024)


What should everyone know about love? ›

10 things you need to know about love
  • 1) You can fall in love with anyone. ...
  • 2) We don't all kiss the same way. ...
  • 3) You can die from a broken heart. ...
  • 4) Men fall in love faster than women do.
  • This might be a hard one to believe, but men apparently fall for a partner faster than women do. ...
  • 6) We're not the only ones.
Jul 20, 2015

What is love in 5 words? ›

tenderness, fondness, predilection, warmth, passion, adoration. 1, 2. love, affection, devotion all mean a deep and enduring emotional regard, usually for another person.

What is the number one rule of love? ›

1. Never invalidate or erase the personal reality of someone you love. Every one of us counts on our partner supporting and validating the way we see the world, even if he or she doesn't see it the same way.

What is the true definition of love? ›

True love fosters a connection that goes beyond the superficial. It's a bond that often involves understanding each other's core values, beliefs, and life goals. This connection creates a sense of companionship, where both partners feel they're on the same team, working towards common dreams.

Is love a choice or a feeling? ›

While you may not have much control over who you fall in love with, you may have some choice about staying in love with that person. Love can be a feeling and a choice at the same time. Love often leads to physiological changes in the brain, but you can still decide whether love ends or lasts.

What are the 3 most important aspects of love? ›

Psychologist Robert Sternberg's theory describes types of love based on three different scales: intimacy, passion, and commitment. It is important to recognize that a relationship based on a single element is less likely to survive than one based on two or more.

What is the 2 2 2 love rule? ›

The 2-2-2 Rule involves going on a date night every two weeks, spending a weekend away every two months and taking a week-long vacation away every two years. The idea behind it is that prioritizing and planning to spend time together strengthens your relationship.

What is the golden rule of love? ›

The time-honored golden rule, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you,” is a profound instruction for relationships in general.

What is the 9th rule of love? ›

Rule 9. East, west, south, or north makes little difference. No matter what your destination, just be sure to make every journey, a journey within.

What are the signs of true love from a man? ›

9 signs a man will love you forever, according to psychology
  • 1) He listens to you. ...
  • 2) He makes sacrifices for you. ...
  • 3) He includes you in his future plans. ...
  • 4) He shows interest in your interests. ...
  • 5) He respects your individuality. ...
  • 6) He's there in the hard times. ...
  • 7) He values your opinions. ...
  • 8) He communicates openly with you.
Apr 22, 2024

How do I know if I love someone? ›

Being in love looks different for everyone, but you can count on experiencing bliss, stability, and a lasting connection. The early, euphoric feelings result from increases in dopamine and norepinephrine . You'll develop a deeper connection once oxytocin levels increase as it leads to attachment.

What does love mean to a man? ›

For many men, it involves being physically attracted to the woman. But if he's in love, it's not just about the physical attraction. Men like to have things in common with their partners. Most men want to enjoy spending time with the woman he's in love with. Trust and respect are also important factors in love.

What is everything I need to know about love about? ›

'Everything I Know about Love' by Dolly Alderton is a memoir about love and relationships. It provides a relatable and honest account of the highs and lows of modern dating, and the importance of self-love and female friendships. What is Everything I Know about Love about? Who should read Everything I Know about Love?

What is the main point of love? ›

When it comes to love, some people would say it is one of the most important human emotions. Love is a set of emotions and behaviors characterized by intimacy, passion, and commitment. It involves care, closeness, protectiveness, attraction, affection, and trust.

What are the most asked questions about love? ›

Romantic Questions to Ask Your Girlfriend
  • What's your love language?
  • When did you know you wanted to be in a relationship with me?
  • Do you think people were “made for each other”?
  • What's your guilty pleasure?
  • What is the most attractive thing someone can do, in your opinion?
  • What's your favorite date night movie?
May 9, 2023


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