Brussels Sprout Recipes To Bookmark Right Now (2024)

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Brussels sprouts have endured a bad reputation, and it’s not entirely undeserved. When boiled, which they so often have been in the past, they taste wretched, and smell even worse. (To be honest, they smell like farts.) But when roasted, sautéed or even fried, they turn into a crisp and soft, nutty and sweet pocket of deliciousness.

While scientists claim one’s dislike for Brussels sprouts may be written in their DNA, we think we could change anyone’s mind with the recipes below. We put together over 30 dishes to try this fall while Brussels sprouts are in season, and not one of them will disappoint. Promise.


Brussels Sprout Recipes To Bookmark Right Now (1)

How Sweet It Is

Fried Brussels Sprouts With Smoky Honey Aioli


Brussels Sprout Recipes To Bookmark Right Now (2)

How Sweet It Is

Bacon, Egg And Brussels Carbonara

Get the Bacon, Egg and Brussels Carbonara recipe from How Sweet It Is


Brussels Sprout Recipes To Bookmark Right Now (3)

Half Baked Harvest

Caramelized Brussels Sprout Pecan Salad With Bacon And Caramel Apple Vinaigrette



Brussels Sprout Recipes To Bookmark Right Now (4)

Damn Delicious

Parmesan Brussels Sprouts

Get the Parmesan Brussels Sprouts recipe from Damn Delicious


Brussels Sprout Recipes To Bookmark Right Now (5)

How Sweet It Is

Grain Bowl With Maple Chipotle Brussels


Brussels Sprout Recipes To Bookmark Right Now (6)

Love & Olive Oil

Shaved Brussels Sprout Salad With Pan-Fried Goat Cheese And Pomegranate


Brussels Sprout Recipes To Bookmark Right Now (7)

Damn Delicious

Roasted Garlic And Bacon Brussels Sprouts


Brussels Sprout Recipes To Bookmark Right Now (8)

How Sweet It Is

Creamy Roasted Garlic Potato Soup With Crispy Brussels


Brussels Sprout Recipes To Bookmark Right Now (9)

Half Baked Harvest

Chinese Chicken And Brussels Sprouts Egg Rolls With Sweet Chile Pomegranate Sauce



Brussels Sprout Recipes To Bookmark Right Now (10)

Adventures in Cooking

Sautéed Sherry Brussels Sprouts with Bacon, Caramelized Onions And Thyme


Brussels Sprout Recipes To Bookmark Right Now (11)

How Sweet It Is

Thai Brussels Crunch Salad

Get the Thai Brussels Crunch Salad recipe from How Sweet It Is


Brussels Sprout Recipes To Bookmark Right Now (12)

Cookie + Kate

Raw Kale And Brussels Sprouts Salad With Tahini-Maple Dressing



Brussels Sprout Recipes To Bookmark Right Now (13)

Half Baked Harvest

Miso Roasted Brussels Sprouts

Get the Miso Roasted Brussels Sprouts recipe from Half Baked Harvest


Brussels Sprout Recipes To Bookmark Right Now (14)

How Sweet It Is

Crispy Shredded Sprouts, Cider Short Rib And Caramelized Shallot Pizza


Brussels Sprout Recipes To Bookmark Right Now (15)

Damn Delicious

Slow Cooker Balsamic Brussels Sprouts


Brussels Sprout Recipes To Bookmark Right Now (16)

Heather Christo Cooks

Brussels Sprouts Pesto

Get the Brussels Sprouts Pesto recipe from Heather Christo Cooks


Brussels Sprout Recipes To Bookmark Right Now (17)

Fuss Free Cooking

Grilled Cheese Sandwich With Pickled Brussels Sprouts And Onions


Brussels Sprout Recipes To Bookmark Right Now (18)

How Sweet It Is

Brussels Sprouts Tacos With Caramelized Shallot Salsa



Brussels Sprout Recipes To Bookmark Right Now (19)

Feasting at Home

Furikake Brussels Sprouts And Shrimp

Get the Furikake Brussels Sprouts and Shrimp recipe from Feasting at Home


Brussels Sprout Recipes To Bookmark Right Now (20)

Half Baked Harvest

Butternut Squash And Charred Brussels Mac And Cheese With Buttery Bacon Ritz Crackers


Brussels Sprout Recipes To Bookmark Right Now (21)

A Beautiful Mess

Mustard Brussels Sprouts

Get the Mustard Brussels Sprouts recipe from A Beautiful Mess



Brussels Sprout Recipes To Bookmark Right Now (22)

Cookie + Kate

Roasted Brussels Sprouts And Crispy Baked Tofu With Honey-Sesame Glaze


Brussels Sprout Recipes To Bookmark Right Now (23)

Heather Christo Cooks

Potato, Brussels Sprouts & Goat Cheese Pizza

Get the Potato, Brussels Sprouts & Goat Cheese Pizza recipe from Heather Christo Cooks


Brussels Sprout Recipes To Bookmark Right Now (24)

Half Baked Harvest

Caramelized Brussels Sprouts And Bacon Fettuccine Alfredo



Brussels Sprout Recipes To Bookmark Right Now (25)

The View From Great Island

Brussels Sprout Gratin

Get the Brussels Sprout Gratin recipe by The View From Great Island


Brussels Sprout Recipes To Bookmark Right Now (26)

Simply Recipes

Brussels Sprouts With Black Bean Garlic Sauce


Brussels Sprout Recipes To Bookmark Right Now (27)

A Beautiful Mess

Brussels Sprout Chips

Get the Brussels Sprout Chips recipe from A Beautiful Mess



Brussels Sprout Recipes To Bookmark Right Now (28)

Two Peas And Their Pod

Brown Butter Brussels Sprouts Pasta With Hazelnuts


Brussels Sprout Recipes To Bookmark Right Now (29)

How Sweet It Is

Brussels Sprouts Crostini

Get the Brussels Sprouts Crostini recipe from How Sweet It Is


Brussels Sprout Recipes To Bookmark Right Now (30)

James Ransom/Food52

Brussels Sprout And Chorizo Beer Hash



Brussels Sprout Recipes To Bookmark Right Now (31)

Foodie Crush

Carbonara Pasta With Charred Brussels Sprouts


Brussels Sprout Recipes To Bookmark Right Now (32)

How Sweet It Is

Cast Iron Skillet Brussels Sprouts Bacon Pizza

Before You Go

Brussels Sprout Recipes To Bookmark Right Now (33)

Turkey-Carving Tools For Thanksgiving


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Brussels Sprout Recipes To Bookmark Right Now (2024)


Are brussel sprouts in season now? ›

They have a strong nutty or earthy flavor and can be slightly bitter. Their peak season is from late August through March. One half cup of cooked Brussels sprouts has 28 calories, 2 grams of fiber and is an excellent source of vitamins A and K.

Do Brussels sprouts taste better now? ›

Soon, plants grown from the old seeds were cross-pollinated with modern, high-yielding varieties, but it took years for any perceptible changes to really take hold. "From then on, the taste was much better. It really improved," Sintenie said. As the flavor has improved, so have sales.

What do Brussels sprouts pair well with? ›

When we think about which meats go with Brussels sprouts, bacon usually comes to mind first. Upgrade that to prosciutto, add poultry and fish to the list, and leave room on the menu for steak.

What can I top my brussel sprouts with? ›

Roasted Brussels Sprouts Serving Suggestions

Serve them plain, simply seasoned with olive oil, salt, and pepper, or dress them up! Drizzle them with a bit of balsamic vinegar or lemon juice and toss them with feta or Parmesan cheese, herbs, red pepper flakes, and nuts or pepitas.

What season are brussel sprouts in season? ›

When are Brussels sprouts in season? Brussels sprouts are at their best over the winter months, coming into season in October and lasting through until March.

When should you not eat brussel sprouts? ›

If any of the leaves have brown spots or are yellowing, it's a sign of early spoilage. If you remove the blemished leaves and the interior looks OK, you can still use the sprout. However, if the interior leaves are also showing blemishes or yellowing, it's best to toss it (or compost it, if you can).

Why do I feel so good after eating brussel sprouts? ›

Brussels sprouts are a source of fiber and may reduce inflammation. This cruciferous vegetable offers nutrients, including antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins.

What takes the bitterness out of Brussels sprouts? ›

A splash of lemon juice, or even apple cider vinegar, works wonders on bitter sprouts. Another key ingredient is fat, which helps Brussels sprouts to crisp up. This is why it's so popular to render bacon fat and cook Brussels sprouts in it, then add the bacon bits back in at the end.

Why cut Brussels sprouts in half? ›

By doing so, you reduce the size of the sprouts, speeding up cooking. You also create a flat surface in the process (one flat surface for halved sprouts; two for quarters), which improves contact with the hot pan or baking sheet, allowing you to brown them more effectively.

Why do you soak brussel sprouts before cooking? ›

Not only can soaking make the centers more malleable, but the water that's absorbed into them will create a steaming action, whether you choose to roast, saute, or make your Brussels sprouts in your air fryer. The steam can help to ensure the cooking is even throughout the Brussels sprout.

What meat goes best with Brussels sprouts? ›

If you are making brussels sprouts as a separate side dish for your meal, you want to pair it with just the right dish. Lots of meats do very well with them and I find the options to be unlimited. Fish, pork, beef, chicken–there really isn't a lot you can go wrong with.

What culture eats brussel sprouts? ›

Britons eat more Brussels sprouts than any other nation in Europe. Our sprout industry is worth £650m and the area covered by sprout fields in the UK is the equivalent of 3,240 football pitches. It's fair to say that these days, no one loves sprouts more than the British.

Should you boil Brussels sprouts before roasting? ›

Unlike other vegetables, Brussels sprouts can be parboiled (even a day ahead) to reduce the roasting time without hurting their texture. That means the sprouts can be popped in the oven while the meat is resting before carving. Of course, if the main course is grilled or pan-cooked, the oven will be free for roasting.

Do you rinse brussel sprouts before cooking? ›

Wash sprouts under cold running water and remove any leaves or yellow spots you may see. Place sprouts in a pot and cook for about 10-15 minutes. Sprouts are done when a knife will easily cut through them. Season with butter, salt, and pepper to taste.

Do you cut the ends off brussel sprouts before cooking? ›

Some dried or yellow outer leaves are okay, but the leaves should be tightly layered together. Individual sprouts: Brussels sprouts sold by the pound are what you find most often at the market. They need to be trimmed of their dry ends and yellowed or damaged leaves before halving and cooking.

What time of year is best for brussel sprouts? ›

A slow-growing, long-bearing crop, Brussels sprouts should be planted in early spring, or mid- to late summer for a crop that matures in the fall. The small heads mature best in cool and even in light frosty weather. Spring planting is also fine in cooler climates.

What time of year are brussel sprouts ready? ›

You can harvest brussels sprouts throughout summer. With that said, to get the best texture and flavor, you'll want to pick them when they are pretty small, about 1 inch in diameter. Once frost or cooler temperatures convert the starches into sugars, start picking them when they reach 1 to 2 inches in diameter.

What month do you harvest brussel sprouts? ›

Slow growers but well worth waiting for, most Brussel sprouts are ready for picking from late October through to February. 'Pick Brussels sprouts for immediate use when they are large enough for cooking, and still firm and tightly closed,' says Stephanie Harrod of Harrod Horticultural.

Are brussel sprouts a summer vegetable? ›

They require a fairly long growing season (80–100 days to harvest) and are a cool-season crop, meaning that they produce best when grown for a fall or early winter harvest. The sprouts improve in flavor after a light frost or two.


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Name: Golda Nolan II

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Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.