Goodnight or Good Night: Is It Two Words or One? (2024)

Greetings and farewells are an important part of any language — they convey goodwill and acknowledge the recipient’s presence. There aren’t many variations of these in English, but one interesting case is whether “goodnight” or “good night” is the correct way to spell this particular farewell.

Use “Good night” as a farewell interjection when going to bed or parting ways at night. In contrast, we might use “goodnight” as an adjective before a noun, as in “goodnight kiss,” but it should technically have a hyphen, “good-night kiss.” Oxford dictionaries recognize “goodnight” as a compound word, while Merriam-Webster doesn’t.

We’ll take a closer look at all three of these functions and develop an understanding of why we prefer the different usages of “good night” in those cases.

Good Night as an Interjection

Interjections are short utterances to express emotion. They very typically stand on their own, meaning we consider them as complete sentences in and of themselves.

Some other examples of interjections are “Hello!” “Bless you!” and “Oh no!” These examples show they can be anything from greetings, farewells, well-wishes, or exclamations to show how we’re feeling.

Again, there are not many English greetings or farewells one can use because they follow a very defined formula — a combination of time of day and well-wishes for the recipient.

The Greetings

We use “Good morning” during the early hours of the day, which is the most common greeting for people seeing each other for the first time that day.

We use “Good afternoon” to greet someone in the middle of the day. We still mainly use it as a greeting, though it’s less common as you would have already seen the majority of people you interact with by midday.

“Good evening” is one greeting when you meet someone at night, but we tend to view this as a rather formal greeting, so it’s possibly the least used of all the greetings.

The acceptable spelling for all three of these greetings is with a space between the two words because “good” functions as an adjective to modify the following noun, describing the kind of morning, afternoon, or evening that the person greeting wishes for the recipient (source).

The Farewells

We can also turn these phrases into farewells, meaning phrases to end a conversation politely and wish the recipient well as you part ways. Unlike greetings, there are only two farewells based on the time of day.

“Good day” covers farewells during both the morning and afternoon. It can also be very formal and, in some ways, dismissive, so we rarely use it as a farewell anymore.

“Good night” is a farewell someone might use when the person sending their farewell does not think they will see the recipient again that day. We commonly use this when one or both parties are going to bed for the night.

The Merriam-Webster online dictionary lists “good night” as an interjection, a word or phrase grammatically independent from any words around it (source). It is understood to be a contraction of “I hope you have a good night!”

There is one farewell that covers all times of day, namely, “goodbye.” However, this follows a different set of rules, which we’ll look at closer in a later section.

With the adjective-plus-noun precedent of the five greetings and farewells, many prefer to use a space between “good” and “night” when using it as an interjection since it creates consistency.

We most commonly use it as an interjection, so we’ll most often see it as a two-word phrase.

For the remaining uses as a one-word noun or adjective, we don’t use the space, making it critical for users to understand the phrase’s function in the sentence.

This means understanding what adjective or nouns you’re using so that you can adjust your usage accordingly.

Goodnight or Good Night: Is It Two Words or One? (1)

Goodnight as an Adjective

While the “good” in “good night” is an adjective describing the noun “night,” we can also use “goodnight” as an adjective to describe the nature of an action or object as in the following example (source):

Sarah refused to fall asleep until she got a goodnight kiss from her mother.

In this case, “goodnight” provides additional information and describes the nature of the kiss she requires before going to bed.

Interestingly, it only makes sense to use the phrase as one word when we use it in this way.

To separate them would only confuse the reader since we might mistake “good” as the adjective in the sentence, leaving “night kiss” as the object, which does not make much sense.

Thus, the two words that make up “goodnight” join together when we use them together as an adjective.

Should We Use a Hyphen?

This begs the question, why is “goodnight” correct when used as an adjective and not “good-night”?

We use hyphens to create compound words, joining two separate words to become one unified word. Creating this compound word can sometimes drastically change the meaning of one or both of the words or simply modify them to provide more information.

Some examples of compound words are “runner-up,” “clean-cut,” and “single-minded.”

Like “goodnight,” each component of these compound words can stand on its own, but you shouldn’t use the examples we listed without their hyphens as compounds.

Hyphenating is the general rule, and “goodnight” is simply one of the exceptions to this rule as it has gained acceptance over time. As the subject of a sentence, grammarians do not consider the word “night” to require a hyphen.

Many words start out hyphenated and eventually gain acceptance as one word.

So, while “goodnight” bears similarities to the examples of compound words provided, it would be incorrect ever to use “good-night.”

Goodnight as a Noun

We can also use “goodnight” as a noun, though only in very specific instances, making its usage rather rare.

A noun is a very versatile part of a sentence, referring to a thing, person, animal, place, quality, idea, or action. Consider the following examples:

The children said their farewells before heading upstairs for bed.

The children said their goodnights before heading up to bed.

In this example, “Goodnights” serves as a noun since it’s the object that the children share before bedtime.

This application of “goodnight” contracts into one word for clarity’s sake, much like how it was when we used it as an adjective. If we broke the words up, “nights” would be the noun, and “good” would be the adjective describing it.

One could argue that, should we have separated the words in the above example, we would still get our meaning across. While this might be true, it still puts a different spin on a sentence and may not be the case with others.

For this reason, when using “goodnight” as a noun, we write it as one word.

Should We Use a Hyphen?

Some might argue there is a stronger case to use a hyphen when using “good-night” as a noun than as an adjective. Consider this example:

Peter was in a rush to say his good-nights as he was very tired.

Cases like “daughter-in-law” and “runner-up” are nouns that require hyphens because they link complex concepts together. However, in the case of “goodnight,” grammarians do not deem this as necessary, and using a hyphen would be incorrect.

One important hyphen caveat to mention is when a word is a proper noun, meaning the name of a song, product, company, or the like.

In this case, since it is the name of someone or something, it does not necessarily have to comply with grammatical rules, and you may exercise some creative license in how you spell or use it.

Can I Just Use Good Night for All Applications?

Sometimes, dissecting a sentence into its parts and identifying each phrase’s function can be difficult, so one might be tempted to use the most commonly used form exclusively.

One may be able to do so, given the fine margin between the two forms, but to be completely correct, it is advisable to learn how to identify the functions and let that guide which form of “good night” you use.

Interjection vs. Adjective

Identifying the required usage of “good night” helps to determine whether it needs a space or not, but learning the difference can be challenging. Here are some other examples to help you get to grips with its usage:

Are you going to bed, Frank? Good night then!

As we pointed out, we most commonly use “good night” as an interjection. It is the last thing that two people say to each other at the end of the day.

We shouldn’t capitalize “night,” as it is still a natural sentence despite being a common phrase, and we can use the other words afterward, as this example does:

I’d sleep better after I’ve said a goodnight prayer.

This example shows “goodnight” as an adjective — note that it functions as one word. The trick to identifying adjectives is that the sentence would still make sense if we removed the adjective.

In this case, the speaker points out that prayer would help them sleep better — a sentence that can stand on its own without the “goodnight” adjective. However, when we include it, we get the extra context — that the speaker would be praying just before trying to sleep.

As a Noun

I can’t believe Carol fell asleep without even a goodnight!

Here we see the writer use “goodnight” as a noun signified by the preceding article, “a.” This implies there can be plurals, as in “goodnights,” as we used in the noun section above.

By changing the function of “goodnight” to a noun, it has become an abstract object that we can assign to others, or not, as is the case in this example.

We most regularly use it to signify one’s farewell, similar to how one can say that you “said your goodbyes before leaving.”

Good Night and Goodbye

It’s an interesting situation to be in, with two correct ways of spelling a phrase meaning nearly identical things — almost as if an error occurred so many times, many simply accepted it as correct as well. After all, the Oxford Dictionary recognizes both phrases as legitimate.

Though both find wide acceptance in their relevant usages, there are camps that argue that we should use one version for all. Still, as we’ve seen, this would be nearly impossible to decide for sure since each has its merits.

But how did we arrive in such a conundrum like this? It’s not every day that two ways of writing the same phrase can be correct, after all. Like we explored in the first section, we consider “good night” to be a farewell.

One could even go so far as to say that it is a less permanent version of “goodbye,” where “good night” implies the intention to see the recipient the next day, and “goodbye” conveys an air of uncertainty as to when the two parties will see each other again.

The Connection

These two phrases, “good night” and “goodbye,” are closely linked. In fact, the Cambridge Dictionary even pairs them in the same list of phrases to say goodbye with (source).

Looking at “goodbye,” one can see it is a conjunction between two words, namely, “good” and “bye.” Once again, “good” is the adjective we use to describe the wishes of the person sending the farewell.

We understand “Bye” to be connected to the root word “lullaby” and that it was a sound that mothers replicated to their children to try and get them to sleep (source). This is a rather surprising similarity to the phrase “good night.”

We only ever see “goodbye” written as one word, and, owing to the similarities between “good night” and “goodbye,” it’s understandable to want to spell “goodnight” in a similar manner, without the space, by applying the same thinking.

This article was written for

For more information on common English phrases, make sure you read our articles, on “I look forward to speaking with you” and “I look forward to talking to you.”

Goodnight or Good Night: Is It Two Words or One? (2)

Final Thoughts

Both applications, with and without a space between the two words, are correct, as we’ve seen, in their proper context.

We’ve looked at all three ways to use “good night,” namely, as an interjection, an adjective, and a noun, and how to correctly use each application in different situations.

Goodnight or Good Night: Is It Two Words or One? (2024)


Goodnight or Good Night: Is It Two Words or One? ›

If you intend to describe a night, use the two-word spelling (good night, not goodnight). To modify a noun, use the closed compound spelling (goodnight kiss, not good night kiss).

Is goodnight 1 or 2 words? ›

Is “goodnight” one word or two? The greeting said to someone at the end of the day is usually written “goodnight,” though “good night” is also sometimes used. “Good night” can also be a phrase composed of an adjective and noun to describe a particular night, in which case it should always be two words.

What is grammatically correct goodnight or good night? ›

The short answer is that both forms are acceptable spellings. You can use either goodnight or good night when you're saying farewell to someone at the end of the evening. However, good night, with two separate words‌, is considered the more correct way to spell this word in formal writing.

Is it better to say goodnight or night? ›

A simple trick is to remember that if you're wishing someone well at bedtime, it's "goodnight." If you're talking about the night itself, it's "good night."

How do you know if a word is one or two words? ›

There are some basic guidelines: The one-word form is usually an adjective or adverb; the two-word form is usually a two-word phrase not modifying anything. But because that's not always the case, it's easier to just say the expression aloud.

How do you say goodnight properly? ›

Sweet Ways to Say Goodnight to Your Loved Ones
  1. Sleep tight, my little star. ...
  2. Time to snuggle up and drift off to dreamland. ...
  3. As you close your eyes tonight, remember how much you are loved. ...
  4. May your dreams be as magical as you are. ...
  5. Sending you hugs and kisses through the night sky.
Feb 9, 2024

Is Goodnight a whole word? ›

You may be thinking about the adjective form of the word "goodnight," as in "she gave him a goodnight kiss." In that part of speech it is one word, but as a noun or an interjection it is still two, as in: "Good night," he said. "It will be a good night indeed," she replied before giving him a goodnight kiss.

How do you use goodnight in a sentence? ›

said when people leave each other in the evening or before going to bed or to sleep: Well, good night - sleep well. Give the children a good-night kiss. "Good night, Mummy." "Goodnight, darling!"

Is it polite to say goodnight? ›

Things You Should Know

“Have a good night” is a polite expression to wish someone a good night's sleep. People often use “have a good night” as a parting greeting in the evening, especially if the other person mentions they have plans later at night.

When to say goodnight? ›

Say “Good night” to say “goodbye” – when you are leaving to go home. Family members also say “good night” when they are going to bed.

What does "goodnight 😘" mean from a guy? ›

A 😘 emoji could be his way of saying, “I like you.” This flirtatious emoji is the perfect addition to any text, whether he's complimenting you or saying goodnight. If you get a 😘 emoji, chances are he's got more than just a little crush. Send a 😘 emoji back to return his kiss.

What does it mean if a girl says goodnight ❤? ›

It means she's thinking of you. That's a good thing if you are interested in having a relationship with her. Try not to overthink things when you've just met someone.

Do guys like Goodnight texts? ›

Many guys appreciate texts regardless of their content because they show that you're thinking of them. Further, a lot of guys like getting goodnight texts, but may not ask for them outright. It can be important not to overthink what kind of text to send a guy and when to send it.

Is good morning one word or two words? ›

The phrase “good morning” should be two words.

The same is true for “good afternoon”, “good evening”, and “good night”. The confusion generally arises because the word “goodbye” is one word.

When a word is two words? ›

Compound words comprise two or more words that can sometimes be joined into one. There are three types: Open compounds (e.g., “cell phone”) Hyphenated compounds (e.g., “father-in-law”)

What is it called when you have two words but one word? ›

A portmanteau (pronounced port-MAN-toe) is a word made by blending at least two words. The new word combines both the sounds and meanings of the originals. To form a portmanteau, usually the first segment of one word is attached to the final segment of another word.

How many words are in the word goodnight? ›

In general, spelling goodnight as a one-word is used as an adjective, while the two-word phrase is usually used as an interjection. English experts prefer to use the two-word spelling as a typical farewell phrase, whereas goodnight or good-night is commonly used as an adjective.

Is good evening two words? ›

Good evening is two words, just as you have written it. Good morning, good afternoon and good day all are two words. However, goodbye usually is treated as one word, and sometimes it is hyphenated: good-bye.


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