Grade 6, Unit 3 - Practice Problems (2024)

Table of Contents
Lesson 1 Problem 1 Problem 2 Problem 3 Problem 4 Problem 5 (from Unit 2, Lesson 16) Problem 6 (from Unit 2, Lesson 14) Problem 7 (from Unit 1, Lesson 16) Lesson 2 Problem 1 Problem 2 Problem 3 Problem 4 (from Unit 2, Lesson 15) Problem 5 (from Unit 2, Lesson 12) Problem 6 (from Unit 2, Lesson 9) Lesson 3 Problem 1 (from Unit 3, Lesson 2) Problem 2 Problem 3 Problem 4 Problem 5 Problem 6 (from Unit 2, Lesson 13) Problem 7 (from Unit 2, Lesson 9) Lesson 4 Problem 1 Problem 2 Problem 3 Problem 4 Problem 5 (from Unit 3, Lesson 1) Problem 6 (from Unit 2, Lesson 11) Problem 7 (from Unit 2, Lesson 9) Lesson 5 Problem 1 Problem 2 Problem 3 Problem 4 (from Unit 3, Lesson 4) Problem 5 (from Unit 3, Lesson 3) Problem 6 (from Unit 3, Lesson 2) Lesson 6 Problem 1 Problem 2 Problem 3 Problem 4 Problem 5 (from Unit 3, Lesson 5) Problem 6 (from Unit 3, Lesson 5) Problem 7 (from Unit 3, Lesson 3) Lesson 7 Problem 1 Problem 2 Problem 3 Problem 4 Problem 5 (from Unit 3, Lesson 5) Problem 6 (from Unit 3, Lesson 6) Problem 7 (from Unit 3, Lesson 4) Lesson 8 Problem 1 Problem 2 Problem 3 Problem 4 (from Unit 2, Lesson 16) Problem 5 (from Unit 3, Lesson 4) Problem 6 (from Unit 1, Lesson 12) Lesson 9 Problem 1 Problem 2 Problem 3 Problem 4 (from Unit 3, Lesson 5) Problem 5 (from Unit 3, Lesson 1) Problem 6 (from Unit 1, Lesson 11) Lesson 10 Problem 1 Problem 2 Problem 3 Problem 4 Problem 5 (from Unit 3, Lesson 9) Problem 6 (from Unit 3, Lesson 8) Problem 7 (from Unit 3, Lesson 7) Lesson 11 Problem 1 Problem 2 Problem 3 Problem 4 (from Unit 3, Lesson 9) Problem 5 (from Unit 3, Lesson 7) Lesson 12 Problem 1 Problem 2 Problem 3 Problem 4 (from Unit 3, Lesson 11) Problem 5 (from Unit 3, Lesson 9) Problem 6 (from Unit 3, Lesson 8) Lesson 13 Problem 1 Problem 2 Problem 3 Problem 4 Problem 5 (from Unit 3, Lesson 10) Problem 6 (from Unit 3, Lesson 8) Lesson 14 Problem 1 Problem 2 Problem 3 Problem 4 Problem 5 (from Unit 3, Lesson 8) Problem 6 (from Unit 3, Lesson 4) Problem 7 (from Unit 3, Lesson 2) Lesson 15 Problem 1 Problem 2 Problem 3 Problem 4 Problem 5 (from Unit 3, Lesson 14) Problem 6 (from Unit 3, Lesson 9) Problem 7 (from Unit 2, Lesson 15) Lesson 16 Problem 1 Problem 2 Problem 3 Problem 4 (from Unit 3, Lesson 15) Problem 5 (from Unit 3, Lesson 9) Problem 6 (from Unit 3, Lesson 4) Lesson 17 FAQs References

Lesson 1

Problem 1

An elevator travels 310 feet in 10 seconds. At that speed, how far can this elevator travel in 12 seconds? Explain your reasoning.

Problem 2

Han earns \$33.00 for babysitting 4 hours. At this rate, how much will he earn if he babysits for 7 hours? Explain your reasoning.

Problem 3

The cost of 5 cans of dog food is \$4.35. At this price, how much do 11 cans of dog food cost? Explain your reasoning.

Problem 4

A restaurant has 26 tables in its dining room. It takes the waitstaff 10 minutes to clear and set 4 tables. At this rate, how long will it take the waitstaff to clear and set all the tables in the dining room? Explain or show your reasoning.

Problem 5 (from Unit 2, Lesson 16)

A sandwich shop serves 4 ounces of meat and 3 ounces of cheese on each sandwich. After making sandwiches for an hour, the shop ownerhasused 91 combined ounces of meat and cheese.

  1. How many combined ounces of meat and cheese are used on each sandwich?

  2. How many sandwiches were made in the hour?
  3. How many ounces of meat were used?
  4. How many ounces of cheese were used?

Problem 6 (from Unit 2, Lesson 14)

Here is a flower made up of yellow hexagons, red trapezoids, and green triangles.

  1. How many copies of this flower pattern could you build if you had 30 yellow hexagons, 50 red trapezoids, and 60 green triangles?
  2. Of which shape would you have the most left over?

Grade 6, Unit 3 - Practice Problems (1)

Problem 7 (from Unit 1, Lesson 16)

Match each quantity in the first list with an appropriate unit of measurement from the second list.

  1. the perimeter of a baseball field
  2. the area of a bed sheet
  3. the volume of a refrigerator
  4. the surface area of a tissue box
  5. the length of a spaghetti noodle
  6. the volume of a large lake
  7. the surface area of the the moon
  1. centimeters (cm)
  2. cubic feet (cu ft)
  3. cubic kilometers (cu km)
  4. meters (m)
  5. square feet (sq ft)
  6. square inches (sq in)
  7. square kilometers (sq km)

Lesson 2

Problem 1

Select the unit from the list that you would use to measure each object.

  1. The length of a pencil
  2. The weight or mass of a pencil
  3. The volume of a pencil
  4. The weight or mass of a hippopotamus
  5. The length of a hippopotamus
  6. The length of a fingernail clipping
  7. The weight or mass of a fingernail clipping
  8. The volume of a sink
  9. The volume of a bowl
  10. The length of a chalkboard or whiteboard
  11. The weight or mass of a chalkboard or whiteboard
  12. The length of the border between the United States and Canada
  1. centimeters
  2. cups
  3. feet
  4. gallons
  5. grams
  6. inches
  7. kilograms
  8. kilometers
  9. liters
  10. meters
  11. miles
  12. milliliters
  13. millimeters
  14. ounces
  15. pounds
  16. quarts
  17. tons
  18. yards

Problem 2

When this pet hamster is placed on a digital scale, the scale reads 1.5.

Grade 6, Unit 3 - Practice Problems (2)

What could be the units?

Problem 3

Circle the larger unit of measure. Then, determine if the unit measures distance, volume, or weight (mass).

  1. meter or kilometer
  2. yard or foot
  1. cup or quart
  2. pound or ounce
  1. liter or milliliter
  2. gram or kilogram

Problem 4 (from Unit 2, Lesson 15)

Elena mixes 5 cups of apple juice with 2 cups of sparkling water to make sparkling apple juice. For a party, she wants to make 35 cups of sparkling apple juice. How much of each ingredient should Elena use? Explain or show your reasoning.

Problem 5 (from Unit 2, Lesson 12)

Lin bought 3 hats for \$22.50. At this rate, how many hats could she buy with \$60.00? If you get stuck, try using the table.

number of hatsprice in dollars
row 1
row 2
row 3
row 4

Problem 6 (from Unit 2, Lesson 9)

Light travels about 180 million kilometers in 10 minutes. How far does it travel in 1 minute? How far does it travel in 1 second? Show your reasoning.

Lesson 3

Problem 1 (from Unit 3, Lesson 2)

Decide if each is a measurement of length, area, volume, or weight (or mass).

  1. How many centimeters across a handprint
  2. How many square inches of paper needed to wrap a box
  3. How many gallons of water in a fish tank
  4. How many pounds in a bag of potatoes
  5. How many feet across a swimming pool
  6. How many ounces in a bag of grapes
  7. How many liters in a punch bowl
  8. How many square feet of grass in a lawn

Problem 2

Clare says, “This classroom is 11 meters long. A meter is longer than a yard, so if I measure the length of this classroom in yards, I will get less than 11 yards.” Do you agree with Clare? Explain your reasoning.

Problem 3

Tyler’s height is 57 inches. Whatcould be his height in centimeters? Explain your reasoning.

  1. 22.4
  2. 57
  3. 144.8
  4. 3,551

Problem 4

A large soup pot holds 20 quarts. What could be its volume in liters?

  1. 7.57
  2. 19
  3. 21
  4. 75.7

Problem 5

Clare wants to mail a package that weighs $4\frac12$ pounds. What could this weight be in kilograms?

  1. 2.04
  2. 4.5
  3. 9.92
  4. 4,500

Problem 6 (from Unit 2, Lesson 13)

Noah bought 15 baseball cards for \$9.00. Assumingeach baseball card costs the same amount, answer the following questions.

  1. At this rate, how much will 30 baseball cards cost? Explain your reasoning.
  2. At this rate, how much will 12 baseball cards cost? Explain your reasoning.
  3. Do you think this information would be better represented using a table or a double number line? Explain your reasoning.

Problem 7 (from Unit 2, Lesson 9)

Jada traveled 135 miles in 3 hours. Andre traveled 228 miles in 6 hours. Both Jada and Andre traveled at a constant speed.

  1. How far did Jada travel in 1 hour?
  2. How far did Andre travel in 1 hour?
  3. Who traveled faster? Explain or show your reasoning.

Lesson 4

Problem 1

Priya’s family exchanged 250 dollars for 4,250 pesos. Priya bought a sweater for 510 pesos. How many dollars did the sweater cost?

row 14,250250
row 225
row 31
row 43
row 5510

Problem 2

There are 3,785 milliliters in 1 gallon, and there are 4 quarts in 1 gallon. For each question, explain or show your reasoning.

  1. How many milliliters are in 3 gallons?
  2. How many milliliters are in 1 quart?

Problem 3

Lin knows that there are 4 quarts in a gallon. She wants to convert 6 quarts to gallons, but cannot decide if she should multiply 6 by 4 or divide 6 by 4 to find her answer. What should she do? Explain or show your reasoning. If you get stuck, consider drawing a double number line or using a table.

Problem 4

Tyler has a baseball bat that weighs 28 ounces. Find this weight in kilograms and in grams.(Note: 1 kilogram $\approx$ 35 ounces)

Problem 5 (from Unit 3, Lesson 1)

Identify whether each unit measures length, volume, or weight (or mass).

  1. Mile
  2. Cup
  3. Pound
  4. Centimeter
  1. Liter
  2. Gram
  3. Pint
  4. Yard
  1. Kilogram
  2. Teaspoon
  3. Milliliter

Problem 6 (from Unit 2, Lesson 11)

A recipe for trail mix uses 7 ounces of almonds with 5 ounces of raisins. (Almonds and raisins are the only ingredients.) How many ounces of almonds would be in a one-pound bag of this trail mix? Explain or show your reasoning.

Problem 7 (from Unit 2, Lesson 9)

An ant can travel at a constant speed of 980 inches every 5 minutes.

  1. How far does the ant travel in 1 minute?
  2. At this rate, how far can the ant travel in 7 minutes?

Lesson 5

Problem 1

Mai and Priya were on scooters. Maitraveled 15 metersin 6 seconds. Priya travels 22 meters in 10 seconds. Who was moving faster? Explain your reasoning.

Problem 2

Here are the prices for cans of juice that are the same brand and the same size at different stores. Which store offers the best deal? Explain your reasoning.

Store X: 4 cans for \$2.48

Store Y: 5 cans for \$3.00

Store Z: 59 cents per can

Problem 3

Costs of homes can be very different indifferent parts of the United States.

  1. A 450-square-foot apartment in New York Citycosts \$540,000. What is the price per square foot?Explain or show your reasoning.
  2. A 2,100-square-foot home in Cheyenne, Wyoming, costs \$110 per square foot. How much does this home cost?Explain or show your reasoning.

Problem 4 (from Unit 3, Lesson 4)

There are 33.8 fluidounces in a liter. There are 128 fluidounces in a gallon. About how manyliters arein a gallon?

  1. 2
  2. 3
  3. 4
  4. 5

Is your estimate larger or smaller than the actual number of liters in a gallon? Explain how you know.

Problem 5 (from Unit 3, Lesson 3)

Diego is 165 cm tall. Andre is 1.7 m tall. Who is taller, Diego or Andre? Explain your reasoning.

Problem 6 (from Unit 3, Lesson 2)

Name an object that could be about the same length as each measurement.

  1. 4 inches
  2. 6 feet
  3. 1 meter
  4. 5 yards
  1. 6 centimeters
  2. 2 millimeters
  3. 3 kilometers

Lesson 6

Problem 1

A pink paint mixture uses 4 cups of white paint for every 3 cups of red paint.

Thetable shows different quantities of red andwhite paint for the same shade of pink. Complete the table.

whitepaint (cups)redpaint (cups)
row 143
row 21
row 31
row 44
row 55

Problem 2

A farm lets you pick 3 pints of raspberries for \$12.00.

  1. What is the cost per pint?
  2. How many pints do you get per dollar?
  3. At this rate, how many pints can you afford for \$20.00?
  4. At this rate, how much will 8 pints of raspberries cost?

Problem 3

Han and Tyler are following a polenta recipe that uses 5 cups of water for every 2 cups of cornmeal.

  • Han says, “I am using 3 cups of water. I will need $1\frac15$ cups of cornmeal.”
  • Tyler says, “I am using 3 cups of cornmeal. I will need $7\frac12$ cups of water.”

Do you agree with eitherof them? Explain your reasoning.

Problem 4

A large art project requires enough paint to cover 1,750 square feet. Each gallon of paint can cover 350 square feet. Each square foot requires $\frac{1}{350}$ of a gallon of paint.

Andre thinks he should use the rate $\frac{1}{350}$ gallons of paint per square foot to find how much paint they need. Do you agree with Andre? Explain or show your reasoning.

Problem 5 (from Unit 3, Lesson 5)

Andre types 208words in 4 minutes.Noahtypes 342 words in 6 minutes. Who types faster? Explain your reasoning.

Problem 6 (from Unit 3, Lesson 5)

A corn vendor at a farmer's marketwas selling a bag of 8 ears of cornfor \$2.56. Another vendor was selling a bag of 12 for \$4.32. Which bag is the better deal? Explain or show your reasoning.

Problem 7 (from Unit 3, Lesson 3)

A soccer field is 100 meters long. What could be its length in yards?

  1. 33.3
  2. 91
  3. 100
  4. 109

Lesson 7

Problem 1

A car travels 55 miles per hour for 2 hours. Complete the table.

time (hours)distance (miles)miles per hour
row 115555
row 2\(\frac12\)
row 3\(1\frac12\)
row 4110

Problem 2

The table shows the amounts of onions and tomatoes in different-sizedbatches of a salsa recipe.

Elena notices that if she takes the number in the tomatoes column and divides it by the corresponding number in the onions column, she always gets the same result.

What is the meaning of the number that Elena has calculated?

onions (ounces)tomatoes (ounces)
row 1216
row 2432
row 3648

Problem 3

A restaurant is offering 2 specials: 10 burritos for \$12,or 6burritos for \$7.50. Noah needs 60 burritos for his party. Should he buy 6 orders of the 10-burrito special or 10 orders of the 6-burrito special? Explain your reasoning.

Problem 4

Complete the table so that the cost per banana remains the same.

number of
cost in
unit price
(dollars per banana)
row 140.50
row 260.50
row 370.50
row 4100.50
row 510.000.50
row 616.500.50

Problem 5 (from Unit 3, Lesson 5)

Two planes travel at a constant speed. Plane A travels 2,800 miles in 5 hours. Plane B travels 3,885 miles in 7 hours. Which plane is faster? Explain your reasoning.

Problem 6 (from Unit 3, Lesson 6)

A car has 15 gallons of gas in its tank. The car travels35 miles per gallon of gas.It uses $\frac{1}{35}$ of a gallon of gas to go 1 mile.

  1. How far can the car travel with 15 gallons? Show your reasoning.
  1. How much gas does the car use to go 100 miles? Show your reasoning.

Problem 7 (from Unit 3, Lesson 4)

A box of cereal weighs 600 grams. How much is this weight in pounds? Explain or show your reasoning. (Note: 1 kilogram = 2.2 pounds)

Lesson 8

Problem 1

A kangaroo hops 2 kilometers in 3 minutes.At this rate:

  1. How long does it take the kangaroo to travel 5 kilometers?
  1. How far does the kangaroo travel in 2 minutes?

Problem 2

Mai runsaround a 400-meter track at a constant speed of 250 meters per minute. How many minutes does it take Mai to complete 4 laps of the track? Explain or show your reasoning.

Problem 3

At 10:00 a.m., Han and Tyler both started running toward each other from opposite ends of a 10-mile path along a river. Han runs at a pace of 12 minutes per mile. Tyler runs at a pace of 15 minutes per mile.

  1. How far does Han run after a half hour? After an hour?
  2. Do Han and Tyler meet on the path within 1 hour? Explain or show your reasoning.

Problem 4 (from Unit 2, Lesson 16)

Two skateboarders start a race at the same time. Skateboarder A travels at a steady rate of 15 feet per second. Skateboarder B travels at a steady rate of 22 feet per second. After 4 minutes, how much farther will Skateboarder B have traveled? Explain your reasoning.

Problem 5 (from Unit 3, Lesson 4)

There are 4 tablespoons in $\frac14$ cup. There are 2 cups in 1 pint. How many tablespoons are there in 1 pint? If you get stuck, consider drawing a double number line or making a table.

Problem 6 (from Unit 1, Lesson 12)

Two larger cubes are made out of unit cubes. Cube A is 2 by 2 by 2. Cube B is 4 by 4 by 4.The side length of Cube B is twice that of Cube A.

  1. Is the surface area of Cube B also twice that of Cube A? Explain or show your reasoning.
  2. Is the volumeof Cube B also twice that of Cube A? Explain or show your reasoning.

Grade 6, Unit 3 - Practice Problems (3)

Lesson 9

Problem 1

This package of sliced cheese costs \$2.97.

How much would a package with 18 slices cost at the same price per slice? Explain or show your reasoning.

Grade 6, Unit 3 - Practice Problems (4)

Problem 2

A copy machine can print 480 copies every 4 minutes. For each question, explain or show your reasoning.

  1. How many copies can it print in 10minutes?
  1. A teacher printed 720 copies. How long did it take to print?

Problem 3

Order these objects from heaviest to lightest.(Note: 1 pound = 16 ounces, 1kilogram $\approx$ 2.2 pounds, and 1 ton = 2,000 pounds)

row 1school bus9 tons
row 2horse1,100 pounds
row 3elephant5,500kilograms
row 4grand piano15,840 ounces

Problem 4 (from Unit 3, Lesson 5)

Andre sometimes mows lawns on the weekend to make extra money. Two weeks ago, he mowed a neighbor’slawnfor$\frac{1}{2}$ hour and earned \$10. Last week, he mowed his uncle’s lawn for $\frac{3}{2}$ hours and earned \$30. This week, he mowed thelawn of a community centerfor 2 hours and earned \$30.

Which jobs paid better than others? Explain your reasoning.

Problem 5 (from Unit 3, Lesson 1)

Calculate and express your answer in decimal form.

  1. $\frac12 \boldcdot 17$
  2. $\frac34 \boldcdot 200$
  1. $(0.2) \boldcdot 40$
  2. $(0.25) \boldcdot 60$

Problem 6 (from Unit 1, Lesson 11)

  1. Decompose this polygon so that its area can be calculated. All measurements are in centimeters.

Grade 6, Unit 3 - Practice Problems (5)

  1. Calculate its area. Organize your work so that it can be followed by others.

Lesson 10

Problem 1

What percentage of a dollar is the value of each coin combination?

  1. 4 dimes
  2. 1 nickel and 3 pennies
  3. 5 quarters and 1 dime

Problem 2

  1. List three different combinations of coins, each with a value of 30% of a dollar.

  2. List two different combinations of coins, each with a value of 140% of a dollar.

Problem 3

The United States government used to make coins of many different values. For each coin, state its worth as a percentage of \$1.

Grade 6, Unit 3 - Practice Problems (6)

  1. $\frac{1}{2}$ cent
  2. 3 cents
  1. 20 cents
  2. $\$2 \frac{1}{2}$
  1. \$5

Problem 4

Complete the double number to line showpercentages of \$50.

Grade 6, Unit 3 - Practice Problems (7)

Problem 5 (from Unit 3, Lesson 9)

Elena bought 8 tokens for \$4.40. At this rate:

  1. How many tokens could she buy with \$6.05?
  2. How much do 19 tokens cost?

Problem 6 (from Unit 3, Lesson 8)

A snail travels 10 cm in 4 minutes. At this rate:

  1. How long will it take the snail to travel 24 cm?
  2. How far does the snail travel in 6 minutes?

Problem 7 (from Unit 3, Lesson 7)

  1. 3 tacos cost \$18. Complete the table to show the cost of 4, 5, and 6 tacos at the same rate.
    number oftacoscostin dollarsratein dollarspertaco
    row 1318
    row 24
    row 35
    row 46

    b. If you buy $t$ tacos for $c$ dollars, what is the unit rate?

Lesson 11

Problem 1

Solve each problem. If you get stuck, consider using the double number lines.

  1. During a basketball practice, Mai attempted 40 free throws and was successful on 25% of them. How many successful free throws did she make?

    Grade 6, Unit 3 - Practice Problems (8)

  2. Yesterday, Priya successfully made 12 free throws. Today, she made 150% as many. How many successful free throws did Priya make today?

    Grade 6, Unit 3 - Practice Problems (9)

Problem 2

A 16-ounce bottle of orange juice says it contains 200 milligrams of vitamin C, which is 250% of the daily recommended allowance of vitamin C for adults. What is 100% of the daily recommended allowance of vitamin C for adults?

Grade 6, Unit 3 - Practice Problems (10)

Problem 3

At a school, 40% of the sixth-grade studentssaid that hip-hop is their favorite kind of music. If 100 sixth-grade studentsprefer hip hop music, how many sixth-grade students are at the school? Explain or show your reasoning.

Problem 4 (from Unit 3, Lesson 9)

Diego has a skateboard, scooter, bike, and go-cart. He wants to know which vehicle is the fastest. A friend records how far Diego travels on each vehicle in5 seconds. For each vehicle, Diegotravels as fast as he can along a straight, level path.

row 1skateboard90 feet
row 2scooter1,020 inches
row 3bike4,800 centimeters
row 4go-cart0.03 kilometers
  1. 100 inches equal 254 centimeters. What is the distance each vehicle traveled in centimeters?
  2. Rank the vehicles in order from fastest to slowest.

Problem 5 (from Unit 3, Lesson 7)

It takes10 pounds of potatoes to make 15 pounds of mashed potatoes. At this rate:

  1. How many pounds of mashed potatoes can they make with 15 pounds of potatoes?
  1. How many pounds of potatoes are needed to make 50 pounds of mashed potatoes?

Lesson 12

Problem 1

Here is a tape diagram that shows how far two students walked.

Grade 6, Unit 3 - Practice Problems (11)

  1. What percentage of Priya’s distance did Tyler walk?
  2. What percentage of Tyler’s distance did Priya walk?

Problem 2

A bakery makes 40 different flavors of muffins. 25% of the flavors have chocolate as one of theingredients. Draw a tape diagram to show how many flavors have chocolate and how many don’t.

Problem 3

There are 70 students in the school band. 40% of them are sixth graders, 20% are seventh graders, and the rest are eighth graders.

  1. How many band members are sixth graders?
  2. How many band members are seventh graders?
  3. What percentage of the band members are eighth graders? Explain your reasoning.

Problem 4 (from Unit 3, Lesson 11)

Jada has a monthly budget for her cell phone bill. Last month she spent 120% of her budget, and the bill was \$60. What is Jada’s monthly budget? Explain or show your reasoning.

Problem 5 (from Unit 3, Lesson 9)

Which is a better deal, 5 tickets for \$12.50 or 8 tickets for \$20.16? Explain your reasoning.

Problem 6 (from Unit 3, Lesson 8)

An athlete runs 8 miles in 50 minutes on a treadmill. At this rate:

  1. How long will it take the athlete to run 9 miles?
  2. How far can the athlete run in 1 hour?

Lesson 13

Problem 1

  1. How can you find 50% of a number quickly in your head?

  2. Andre lives 1.6 km from school. What is 50% of 1.6 km?

  3. Diego lives $\frac 1 2$ mile from school. What is 50% of $\frac 1 2$ mile?

Problem 2

There is a 10% off sale on laptop computers. If someone saves \$35 on a laptop, what was its original cost? If you get stuck, consider using the table.

savings (dollars)percentage
row 13510
row 2?100

Problem 3

Explain how to calculate these mentally.

  1. 15 is what percentage of 30?
  2. 3 is what percentage of 12?
  3. 6 is what percentage of 10?

Problem 4

Noah says that to find 20% of a number he divides the number by 5. For example, 20% of 60 is 12, because $60 \div 5 = 12$. Does Noah’s method always work? Explain why or why not.

Problem 5 (from Unit 3, Lesson 10)

Diego has 75% of \$10. Noah has 25% of \$30. Diego thinks he has more money than Noah, but Noah thinks they have an equal amount of money. Who is right? Explain your reasoning.

Problem 6 (from Unit 3, Lesson 8)

Lin and Andre start walking toward each other at the same time from opposite ends of 22-mile walking trail. Lin walks at a speed of 2.5 miles per hour. Andre walks at a speed of 3 miles per hour.

Here is a table showing the distances traveledand how far apart Lin and Andrewere over time. Use the table to findhow much time passes before they meet.

elapsedtime (hour)Lin’sdistance (miles)Andre’sdistance (miles)distanceapart (miles)
row 100022
row 212.5316.5
row 3
row 4
row 50

Lesson 14

Problem 1

For each problem, explain or show your reasoning.

  1. 160 is what percentage of 40?
  2. 40 is 160% of what number?
  3. What number is 40% of 160?

Problem 2

A store is having a 20%-off sale on all merchandise. If Maibuys one item and saves \$13, what was the original price of her purchase? Explain or show your reasoning.

Problem 3

Theoriginalprice of a scarf was \$16. During astore-closing sale, a shoppersaved \$12 on the scarf. What percentage discount did she receive? Explain or show your reasoning.

Problem 4

Select all the expressions whose value islarger than 100.

  1. 120% of 100
  2. 50% of 150
  3. 150% of 50
  4. 20% of 800
  5. 200% of 30
  6. 500% of 400
  7. 1% of 1,000

Problem 5 (from Unit 3, Lesson 8)

An ant travels at a constant rate of 30 cm every 2 minutes.

  1. At what pace does the ant travel per centimeter?
  2. At what speed does the ant travel per minute?

Problem 6 (from Unit 3, Lesson 4)

Is 3$\frac{1}{2}$ cups more or less than 1 liter? Explain or show your reasoning. (Note: 1 cup $\approx$ 236.6 milliliters)

Problem 7 (from Unit 3, Lesson 2)

Name a unit of measurement that is about the same size as each object.

  1. The distance of a doorknob from the floor is about 1 _____________.

  2. The thickness of a fingernail is about 1 _____________.

  3. The volume of a drop of honey is about 1 _____________.

  4. The weight or mass of a pineapple is about 1 _____________.

  5. The thickness of a picture book is about 1 _____________.

  6. The weight or mass of a buffalo is about 1 _____________.

  7. The volume of a flower vase is about 1 _____________.

  8. The weight or mass of 20 staples is about 1 _____________.

  9. The volume of a melon is about 1 _____________.

  10. The length of a piece of printer paper is about 1 _____________.

Lesson 15

Problem 1

  1. To find 40% of 75, Priya calculates $\frac{2}{5} \boldcdot 75$. Does hercalculationgive the correct value for 40% of 75? Explain or show how you know.
  2. If $x$ represents a number, does $\frac{2}{5} \boldcdot x$ always represent 40% of that number? Explain your reasoning.

Problem 2

Han spent 75 minutes practicing the piano over the weekend. For each question, explain or show your reasoning.

  1. Priya practiced the violin for 152% as much time as Han practiced the piano. How long did she practice?
  1. Tyler practiced the clarinet for 64% as much time as Han practiced the piano. How long did he practice?

Problem 3

Last Sunday 1,575 people visited the amusem*nt park. 56% of the visitors were adults, 16% were teenagers, and 28% were children ages 12 and under. Find the number of adults, teenagers, and children that visited the park.

Problem 4

Order from greatest to least:

  • 55% of 180
  • 300% of 26
  • 12% of 700

Problem 5 (from Unit 3, Lesson 14)

Complete each statement.

  1. 20% of 60 is ________
  2. 25% of ________ is 6
  3. ________% of 100 is 14
  1. 50% of 90 is ________
  2. 10% of ________ is 7
  3. 30% of 70 is ________

Problem 6 (from Unit 3, Lesson 9)

A shopper needs 24 sandwich rolls. The store sells identical rolls in 2 differently sized packages. They sell a six-pack for \$5.28 and a four-pack for \$3.40. Should the shopper buy 4 six-packs or 6 four-packs? Explain your reasoning.

Problem 7 (from Unit 2, Lesson 15)

On a field trip, there are 3 chaperones for every 20 students. There are 92 people on the trip. Answer these questions. If you get stuck, consider using a tape diagram.

  1. How many chaperones are there?
  2. How many children are there?

Lesson 16

Problem 1

A sign in front of a roller coaster says "You must be 40 inches tall to ride." What percentage of this height is:

  1. 34 inches?
  2. 54 inches?

Problem 2

At a hardware store, a tool set normally costs \$80. During a sale this week,the tool set costs\$12 less than usual. What percentage of the usual price is the savings? Explain or show your reasoning.

Problem 3

A bathtub can hold 80 gallons of water. The faucet flows at a rate of 4 gallons per minute.What percentage of the tub will be filled after 6 minutes?

Problem 4 (from Unit 3, Lesson 15)

The sale price of every item in a store is 85% of its usual price.

  1. The usual price of a backpack is \$30, what is its sale price?
  2. The usual price of a sweatshirt is \$18, what is its sale price?
  3. The usual price of a soccer ball is \$24.80, what is its sale price?

Problem 5 (from Unit 3, Lesson 9)

A shopper needs 48 hot dogs. The store sells identical hot dogs in 2 differently sized packages. They sell a six-pack of hot dogs for \$2.10, and an eight-pack of hot dogs for \$3.12. Should the shopper buy 8 six-packs, or 6 eight-packs? Explain your reasoning.

Problem 6 (from Unit 3, Lesson 4)

Elena is 56 inches tall.

  1. What is her height in centimeters? (Note: 100 inches = 254 centimeters)

  2. What is her height in meters?

Lesson 17

No practice problems for this lesson.

Grade 6, Unit 3 - Practice Problems (2024)


How to pass math in 6th grade? ›

Take notes.
  1. Don't be lazy! ...
  2. Write down formulas, terms, and definitions.
  3. Don't try to write down everything, or else your notes will not be helpful. ...
  4. However, make sure you write down all the steps you need to solve the problems on your assignment or else you might get stuck later on. ...
  5. Keep your notes organized.

How many F's to fail 6th grade? ›

Can you still pass 6th grade with 1 F? Yes, you can. Failing in one subject in middle school doesn't imply you have to repeat the grade unless your school is not stringent with promoting criteria.

Is 6th grade hard? ›

Sixth grade represents a large time of transition and development, so there are many new things your child may be having a hard time with. Their academic and social lives have taken a huge leap this year, so they may need your help to manage things or correct their course if they are struggling.

How to get 1% of a number? ›

One of the main ways that we work out how to calculate a percentage of a number is by converting the percentage to a decimal first. In order to do this, we find 1% of the number by dividing it by 100%. Once we've done that, we multiply our answer by the value of the percentage we're looking for.

How can I calculate my brain faster? ›

9 Mental Math Tricks to Become a Human Calculator
  1. Trick One: Learn The Trachtenberg Method. ...
  2. Trick Two: Break Numbers Down. ...
  3. Trick Three: Estimation and Rounding. ...
  4. Trick Four: Observe and Use Patterns. ...
  5. Trick Five: Memorize Important Numbers. ...
  6. Trick Six: Learn Shortcuts. ...
  7. Trick Seven: Read a Lot of Mental Calculation Books.
Feb 20, 2023

What is 3 as a percentage of 12? ›

Hence, 3 is 25% of 12.

How can I be successful in 6th grade math? ›

6th grade math tips: Here's how to help your student
  1. Review new material together. ...
  2. Help your child learn how to study. ...
  3. Shop for bargains. ...
  4. Review materials before class. ...
  5. Break down complicated problems. ...
  6. Encourage persistence. ...
  7. Highlight math in sports. ...
  8. Play games.
Feb 1, 2020

Is 6th grade math easy? ›

In 6th-grade math, some topics, like fractions and decimals can be tough to understand. When you're working on these topics, you might find 6th-grade math harder. On the other hand, topics like basic geometry and certain word problems, are easier to understand.

What happens if you fail math in 6th grade? ›

Failing a math class in middle school might lower your GPA, but you may still get promoted to the next grade. Summer school and tutoring may help you build the important math skills required for high school. However, failing in multiple subjects including math might result in repeating the same grade.

How can I pass math easily? ›

Math Study Tips
  1. Study outside of class regularly. ...
  2. Read your textbooks. ...
  3. Get good at taking notes class. ...
  4. Make summary sheets. ...
  5. Practice all problems until you have mastered the ability to solve and check them.
  6. Be aware of what topics you know well, which topics need more practice and which topics you don't know at all.


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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

Address: Suite 851 78549 Lubowitz Well, Wardside, TX 98080-8615

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Job: Manufacturing Director

Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.