HR Science on LinkedIn: #hrscience #humanresearchsciences #appstatealumni #researchexcellence… (2024)

HR Science


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Dear LinkedIn Community,We are delighted to launch our official LinkedIn Page! On this page, we will present the remarkable achievements and groundbreaking work of the App State Human Resources Science Research Team! Our LinkedIn page will serve as an outlet for highlighting the skills of the students and faculty, providing insights into ongoing projects, providing updates on team presentations and publications, and fostering connections within the generations of HR Science. It's more than just a page; it's a gateway to the rich tapestry of achievements, collaborations, and advancements within the HR Science community.About Us:The HR Science Research Team at Appalachian State University was founded in 2013 and continues to be dedicated to advancing human resources knowledge through analytics and technology. Our mission encompasses fostering diversity, inclusivity, and a space for creativity, collaboration, and professional development. In response to the growing recognition of HR analytics' competitive edge, we commit to rigorous research and active participation in scientific conferences, contributing to the wider research community. We strive to create an environment where individuals from all backgrounds and perspectives can thrive, grow, and conduct cutting-edge, high-quality research. Our values are embedded in our daily research, actions, and interactions.Connecting to our Alumni:Our alumni are the backbone of our success. Help us foster a strong network! Whether you're an alum or know someone who is, share and connect to our page. It's an excellent opportunity to stay engaged, forge connections, and empower the next generation of HR Science professionals and researchers.Project Updates:Stay connected with the latest updates on past projects you've been involved in, and new research endeavors ahead! Job, Internship, and Mentoring Opportunities: Calling all alumni! If you have job or internship opportunities within your organizations, consider sharing them with our current HR Science members. We look forward to hearing about your expertise and insight. This could serve as a great opportunity to foster potential mentorship with these up-and-coming young professionals.Provide Research Opportunities and Data:We are looking for alumni who want to partner with our different research teams and get valuable insight into some of your organizational data and processes while developing the future of HR researchers. Fundraising:Throughout the year, HR Science will hold different fundraising events to raise money that will support our student researchers attending and presenting at conferences. Conferences that HR Science students attend every year include RCIO, SIOP, Blacks in I/O, Creative Endeavors, etc.Click here to access our official website: #HumanResearchSciences #AppStateAlumni #ResearchExcellence #CommunityEngagement #Safety #DEI #EBP

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  • HR Science on LinkedIn: #hrscience #humanresearchsciences #appstatealumni #researchexcellence… (3)
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Scott Blackburn, SHRM-CP

Sr Organizational Development Analyst at Syneos Health


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Re: Provide Research Opportunities and Data, I have been talking with leaders in our HR department and they are open to a partnership pending decided research question(s).Who is the best person from HR Science to connect with to discuss further?

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    Apply to a Job, Even If You Don’t Meet All Criteria


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    A you know, we conducted a comprehensive study on Gen Z's labor market preferences, behaviors, and cultural differences in Portugal. The results are eye-opening and call for some serious reflection.🔍 Did you know that 71% of the surveyed students reported not being aware of any companies that actively hire recent graduates? 🤯👉 This statistic speaks volumes about the need to bridge the gap between companies and Generation Z. It's clear that there's a significant communication breakdown, and we believe it's high time we address it. That’s why, Networkme’s mission is to break this gap and connect Young Talents with companies that are looking for them.🌟 Gen Z is a dynamic and tech-savvy generation with unique skills and talents. They are the future of our workforce, and their perspectives matter.🙌 We, as companies, need to make a conscious effort to reach out, engage, and collaborate with these talented individuals. By creating awareness about our opportunities and aligning our values with theirs, we can better connect with Gen Z and provide them with the career opportunities they deserve.🤝If you're a business looking to tap into the potential of the next generation, or a Gen Z job seeker eager to kickstart your career, Networkme is here to make those connections happen. Let's work together to shape the future of the labor market. 🌐#GenerationZ #JobMarket #FutureOfWork #Networkme #ConnectingTalent

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    Women & Technology Advocate & Expert | Speaker | Co-founder Grace Hopper Celebration

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    At the recent Harvard WECode: Women Engineers Code Conference, I heard many students discussing their experience looking for a job. At this particular time, exploring job opportunities can be taxing - as you navigate a hiring landscape that has become increasingly automated. Students expressed angst. They spoke in sometimes emotional terms, that applying for hundreds of jobs can be mentally and emotionally taxing especially when you don’t hear back. Most of the time, rejections and silence have nothing to do with you. While the goal may be to secure a position at a big tech company, it’s important to consider that some of these companies are currently not hiring and, in some cases, laying off.But the skills from a CS degree are still in high demand, it just looks different right now. Here are three pieces of advice for your job-hunting journey: 1. Customize your resume for each companyTake time to differentiate your resume and cover letter for each job you’re applying to. Instead of using the same resume for every application, customize it, including experience or classes that are relevant to the organization. Putting in the extra effort can significantly increase your chances of securing an interview. 2. Make connectionsIn an increasingly automated world, the personal touch often yields results.If you are a student, take time to make personal connections to people you know who’ve graduated and are working at the company you are considering. Ask your faculty advisor. If you’re further in your career, contact former colleagues who may be working at the company and ask for advice about open positions. 3. Think beyond the high-tech giantsConsider companies in various industries that have integrated technology into their operations. Fields like healthcare, real estate, direct-to-consumer, and startups can offer exciting opportunities for career growth.Lastly, keeping an open mind throughout your job search matters. Embrace the journey, remain adaptable, and be willing to explore different paths to find the right opportunity.


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HR Science on LinkedIn: #hrscience #humanresearchsciences #appstatealumni #researchexcellence… (43)

HR Science on LinkedIn: #hrscience #humanresearchsciences #appstatealumni #researchexcellence… (44)


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HR Science  on LinkedIn: #hrscience #humanresearchsciences #appstatealumni #researchexcellence… (2024)


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Name: Aracelis Kilback

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Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.