Installers | Verizon Connect (2024)

FM Terms and conditions of supply (Services) ‐ U.S. rev. 03/15

1.1 “Agreement” means these terms and conditions together with the Orderand any other document listed on the Order which are specificallyincorporated into this Agreement.

1.2 “Change Order” is a document issued by Verizon Connect that alters,amends or modifies the Agreement.

1.3 “Order." A document submitted by Verizon Connect to ServiceProvider that specifies the Work to be done by Service Provider, thelocation, the price, the payment terms, and other specifics. The Ordertogether with these terms and conditions and all documents specificallyreferenced in the Order are the entire agreement between the parties inrespect of the Work and no modification shall be effective except by aChange Order. Any document submitted by Service Provider, such asproposals, quotations or scope of work documents, shall be for ServiceProvider’s convenience only and shall not alter the terms of thisAgreement except as specifically stated on the Order.

1.4 “Term.” The Agreement shall become effective on Service Provider’sacknowledgement of the Order, commencement of Work, purchase ofmaterials or components for the purpose of performing any Order, or anyother conduct confirming the transaction, and shall remain in effectuntil all Work is completed under the Order, or such other period asspecified on the Order, if any.

1.5 "Work." The services and/or deliverables to be provided by ServiceProvider, which are specified in an Order.

  • Work; Change Orders. Service Provider shall provide to VerizonConnect the Work in accordance with the terms and conditions hereof.Verizon Connect may add to, reduce or change the scope of Work byissuing a Change Order. Change Orders shall modify the scope of Workonly to the extent specified in such Change Order. All other terms andconditions of this Agreement shall remain in effect. Change Orders mayrequire modification of fees charged and/or delivery schedules. If aChange Order requires a change in fees and/or delivery schedules,Service Provider will immediately notify Verizon Connect in writing.Change Orders shall be deemed accepted by Service Provider upon ServiceProvider’s acknowledgement of the Change Order, commencement of Workpursuant to the Change Order, purchase of materials or components forthe purpose of performing any Order, or any other conduct confirming thetransaction.

  • Contact Person. Service Provider shall designate in writing oneindividual and one back-up individual, reasonably acceptable to VerizonConnect, to be responsible for communication with Verizon Connectregarding the Work, and otherwise to represent Service Provider inbusiness dealings with Verizon Connect hereunder.

  • Compliance with Laws. Service Provider shall comply with all laws,statutes, ordinances, codes, rules and regulations of any governmentalauthority having jurisdiction over the Work or Service Provider. ServiceProvider shall be responsible for maintaining all permits, inspections,licenses and certifications required by applicable law or regulationnecessary to conduct business in the location where the Work is to beperformed and to perform the Work.

  • Prices and Payment Terms. Prices shall be as set forth in the Order.Prices are inclusive of all taxes. Service Provider will indemnifyVerizon Connect for all taxes, penalties and interest levied againstVerizon Connect which Verizon Connect pays on Service Provider’s behalf.Service Provider accepts exclusive liability for all payroll taxes,including any interest, resulting from amounts paid to any persons usedby Service Provider in performing the Work. Service Provider shallinvoice Verizon Connect on a timely basis, not later than 60 days afterperformance of the Work. Invoices not received within 60 days shall beinvalid. Verizon Connect shall pay legitimate, approved invoices inaccordance with the payment terms specified on the Order. If paymentterms are not specified, terms are net 45. Payment will be madeelectronically or by check, unless otherwise specified on the Order.

  • Reports and Audits. Service Provider shall, if requested by VerizonConnect, periodically submit a summary report of Work accomplishedduring a specific period for each job being performed for VerizonConnect under this Agreement. In addition, for any time and materialsproject, Verizon Connect shall have the right, at any reasonable time,to examine all original cost records, including employees' time sheets,payrolls, records, receiving reports, invoices and all other evidence ofexpenditure involving this Agreement and the right to audit same.

  • Nature of Relationship. Service Provider acknowledges that ServiceProvider and Verizon Connect are independent entities and neither partyis an employee, agent, partner or joint venture of the other. ServiceProvider shall have no right to bind Verizon Connect to any agreementwith any third party or to incur any obligation or liability on behalfof Verizon Connect. Service Provider is an independent contractor andshall have sole control over the means, methods, techniques, sequences,and procedures of performing the Work in accordance with VerizonConnect’s specifications and the Order. Service Provider shall beresponsible for any and all wages, taxes or benefits that are due andowing to its employees and all other Service Provider personnel.

  • Insurance. Service Provider shall secure and maintain the type andamounts of insurance as Verizon Connect may reasonably require, whichshall at a minimum comply with the stated coverage requirements of the“Insurance Requirements Exhibit” available from Verizon Connect. ServiceProvider shall promptly provide evidence of the minimum coverage byproviding a certificate of insurance acceptable to Verizon Connect.Neither Service Provider’s failure to provide such certificate, norVerizon Connect's decision to not make such request, shall releaseService Provider from its obligation to maintain the minimum coveragerequired hereunder. Service Provider shall require its subcontractors tocarry insurance in the amount, type and form of insurance required bythe Agreement. If its subcontractors do not obtain such coverage,Service Provider shall insure the activities of its subcontractors.

  • Service Provider Personnel. Service Provider agrees to adhere toVerizon Connect's Code of Business Conduct and Ethics. At VerizonConnect's request, after reasonable consultation with Service Provider,Service Provider shall remove any Service Provider employee,subcontractor or supplier that is not satisfactory to Verizon Connect.If requested, Service Provider shall promptly provide a qualifiedreplacement for any removed employee at the same hourly rate. If ServiceProvider makes a substitution for any Service Provider personnel, nocosts of lost productivity occasioned by the change shall be billed toVerizon Connect.

  • Confidential Information. The parties anticipate that VerizonConnect may disclose confidential information to Service Provider. Forpurposes hereof, "Confidential Information" means information ofVerizon Connect or its customer (i) which relates to the purpose andsubject matter of the Work, including computer programs, business andtechnical information, and data, or (ii) which, although not related tothe Work, is nevertheless disclosed hereunder, and which, in any case,is disclosed by Verizon Connect or its customer or an affiliate toService Provider in document or other tangible form bearing anappropriate legend indicating its confidential or proprietary nature, orwhich, if initially disclosed orally or visually is identified asconfidential at the time of disclosure and a written summary hereof,also marked with such a legend, is provided to Service Provider withinfifteen (15) days of the initial disclosure. Service Provider may useConfidential Information of Verizon Connect only for the purposes ofthis Agreement and the performance of the Work, and shall protect suchConfidential Information from disclosure to others, using the samedegree of care used to protect its own proprietary information of likeimportance, but in any case using no less than a reasonable degree ofcare. Service Provider may disclose Confidential Information receivedhereunder only as reasonably required to perform its obligations underthis Agreement and only to its employees who have a need to know forsuch purposes and who are bound by signed, written agreements to protectthe received Confidential Information from unauthorized use anddisclosure. The restrictions of this Agreement on use and disclosure ofConfidential Information shall not apply to information that: (i) is inthe possession or control of Service Provider at the time of itsdisclosure hereunder; (ii) is, or becomes publicly known, through nowrongful act of Service Provider; (iii) is received by Service Providerfrom a third party free to disclose it without obligation to VerizonConnect; or (iv) is independently developed by Service Provider withoutreference to Confidential Information.

  • Limited Warranty. Service Provider warrants that Work shall beperformed in a professional and workmanlike manner and consistent withgenerally accepted industry standards. For installation services,Service Provider warrants all Work shall strictly comply with VerizonConnect's written installation instructions. For any breach of theabove warranty, Service Provider shall at Verizon Connect's sole option(i) re-perform the non-conforming or defective Work at ServiceProvider’s cost and expense, (ii) provide substitute Work at no cost toVerizon Connect, (iii) off-set any amounts due Service Provider fromVerizon Connect for Verizon Connect to find substitute Work, (iv)reimburse Verizon Connect for substitute Work.

  • Indemnity for Damage to Property and Injury to Persons. ServiceProvider shall defend, indemnify, and hold Verizon Connect harmless fromany and all claims, liabilities, losses, damages, costs, penalties,interest, and expenses (including attorneys' fees assessed against orincurred by Verizon Connect and in defending the same) which VerizonConnect may incur arising out of a) intellectual property infringement(based upon Service Provider’s failure to follow Verizon Connectinstructions), b) Service Provider’s breach of its obligationshereunder; or c) bodily injury (including death) to any person, orproperty damage, or both, directly or indirectly caused by the act(s) oromission of Service Provider and/or Service Provider's employee(s) orcontractor(s) while performing Work for Verizon Connect hereunder.Without limiting the foregoing, such obligation includes claimsinvolving Service Provider’s subcontractors, suppliers and employees.

  • Indemnity for Federal and State Employment Laws. Service Providershall defend, indemnify, and hold Verizon Connect harmless from any andall claims, liabilities, losses, damages, costs, penalties, interest,and expenses (including attorneys' fees assessed against or incurred byVerizon Connect and in defending the same) which Verizon Connect mayincur arising out of Service Provider's failure to comply with anyemployment, labor laws or tax laws, regulations and/or rules including,without limitation, laws, regulations and/or rules governing wage, hourand overtime hours, employee benefits, discrimination, verification oflegal employment status, harassment, workers' compensation, employmentrelated taxes (including social security, unemployment andwithholdings), whether such claim is brought by or on behalf of anemployee(s) of Service Provider, or any governmental agency.



  • Safety. Service Provider shall take all necessary precautions forthe protection of the health and safety of its employees, subcontractorsand suppliers, as well as Verizon Connect and its customers and otherthird parties. Service Provider shall be solely responsible for thesafety of its employees, subcontractors, suppliers, and other thirdparties.

  • Ownership of Information. All Work prepared or developed by ServiceProvider in the performance of the Work shall be the sole and exclusiveproperty of Verizon Connect. Except as specifically authorized inwriting by Verizon Connect, information and any other data developed oracquired by or furnished to Service Provider in the performance of Workshall be used only in connection with the Work and shall be theexclusive property of Verizon Connect. All Work shall bework-made-for-hire and Service Provider agrees to assign and does herebyexpressly assign to Verizon Connect all rights, title and interests inand to the Work, including all copyrights, patents, trade dress, and anymoral rights. Service Provider will obtain any assignments from otherparties, including its employees that it requires to comply with thisSection.

  • Automatic Termination. This Agreement and all Orders will terminateimmediately without notice upon the commencement of insolvency,bankruptcy, or similar proceedings by or against Service Provider, anyassignment or attempted assignment by Service Provider for the benefitof creditors, or any appointment, or application for such appointment,of a receiver for Service Provider.

  • Termination for Cause. If Service Provider fails to comply with anyof the material terms and conditions of this Agreement including anyOrder, Verizon Connect may terminate this Agreement and/or any or allOrders upon five (5) days written notice to Service Provider, unlesswithin the period of such notice, all breaches specified therein shallhave been remedied.

  • Termination for Convenience. Notwithstanding anything containedherein to the contrary, Verizon Connect may terminate this Agreementand/or any or all Orders at any time upon written notice to ServiceProvider. Upon such termination, Service Provider waives all claims fordamages as a result of such termination including, but not limited to,loss of profits, idle equipment, labor and facilities, and any claims ofsubcontractors or suppliers as a result of such termination, and shallaccept the value of all Work completed through the date of terminationas sole and complete compensation. No termination fee(s) shall bepayable by Verizon Connect.

  • Return of Materials and Payment. Upon the request of VerizonConnect, and in any event, upon the termination of this Agreement or anyWork Order, Verizon Connect shall pay Service Provider for all worksatisfactorily completed as of the termination date, and ServiceProvider shall surrender to Verizon Connect all work in progress, ifany, and documents pertaining to the business of Verizon Connectpreviously delivered by Verizon Connect to Service Provider. Thisprovision shall apply to all materials made available or disclosed toService Provider by any third party in connection with this Agreement orany Work Order.

  • Notices. Any notice or communication required or permitted to begiven hereunder shall be delivered by overnight courier, email or byregular post (registered or certified only), return receipt requested,in each case to the address and contact as set forth on the Order. Suchnotice will be deemed to be given when received.

    1. Assignment. Service Provider shall not assign this Agreement or anyright or interest under this Agreement, nor delegate any work orobligation to be performed under this Agreement, without VerizonConnect's prior written consent. Any attempted assignment or delegationin contravention of this Section shall be void and ineffective.

    2. Continuing Obligations. The following obligations shall survive theexpiration or termination hereof: (i) any and all licenses grantedhereunder, (ii) any and all limitations of liability and indemnitiesgranted by either party herein, (iii) the payment of taxes, duties, orany money to either party hereunder, and (v) the return of VerizonConnect materials.

    3. Miscellaneous. This Agreement shall be construed under the laws ofthe Commonwealth of Massachusetts, without regard to its principles ofconflicts of law, and excluding any application of the United NationsConvention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods. ThisAgreement constitutes the entire understanding of the parties withrespect to the subject matter of this Agreement and merges all priorcommunications, understandings, and agreements. All disputes arising outof the Agreement that cannot be resolved through negotiation shall bebrought only in the district and federal courts located inMassachusetts. Each party hereby consents to the exclusive personaljurisdiction and venue of the courts, state and federal, located inMassachusetts. This Agreement may be modified only by a writtenagreement signed by the parties. This Agreement is executed in theEnglish language and the interpretation and construction of thisAgreement shall be based solely on the English language. The failure ofeither party to enforce at any time any of the provisions hereof shallnot be a waiver of such provision, or any other provision, or of theright of such party thereafter to enforce any provision.

    GSA Schedule Flowdown Provisions

    By accepting an Order to perform under a Verizon GSA Multiple Award Schedule Contract,Subcontractor agrees to comply with the following Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) clauses,as updated, to the extent applicable to the supplies and/or services to be delivered. Anyclauses that do not apply due to the nature of the items provided by Subcontractor shall bedeemed self-deleting. The FAR clauses are incorporated by reference in accordance with FAR52.212-5(e), with the same force and effect as if they were given in full text. The fulltext of a clause may be accessed electronically at: GSA’s Solicitation #47QSMD20R0001 online documents.For purposes of this Agreement, with respect to referenced clauses below, “Contractor” willmean “Subcontractor”; “Government” will mean “Verizon”; “Contracting Officer,” “KO,” or “CO”will mean “Verizon MAS Contract Manager,” or his/her representative, except where the clause(s)requires that “Government,” “Contracting Officer,” “KO,” or “CO” retain its initial definitionas defined by the Prime Contract clause(s).

    Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR) and General Services Administration Regulations (GSAR)

    The following FAR/GSAR clauses are required for all transactions:

    The following FAR/GSAR clauses apply only if required:

    Clause Description of when flowdown required
    52.203-13 Contractor Code of Business Ethics and
    If paragraph (d) of FAR 52.203-13 applies
    52.203-15 Whistleblower Protections Under the
    American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.
    If paragraph (b) of FAR 52.203-15 applies
    52.203-17 Contractor Employee Whistleblower
    Rights and Requirement To Inform Employees of
    Whistleblower Rights.
    If paragraph (c ) of FAR 52.203-17 applies
    52.204-2 Security Requirements. If applicable, Subcontractor must maintain its CAGE
    code(s) throughout the life of the contract.
    52.204-9 Personal Identity Verification of
    Contractor Personnel.
    If paragraph (d) of FAR 52.204-9 applies
    52.204-10 Reporting Executive Compensation and
    First-Tier Subcontract Awards.
    Unless otherwise exempt under the clause,
    Subcontractor will provide Verizon reporting as
    52.204-14 Service Contract Reporting
    If paragraph (f) of FAR 52.204-14 applies. Information
    provided will be made available to the public as
    required by section 743 of Division C of the
    Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2010.
    52.204-15 Service Contract Reporting
    Requirements for Indefinite-Delivery Contracts.
    If paragraph (f) of FAR 52.204-15 applies. Information
    provided will be made available to the public as
    required by section 743 of Division C of the
    Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2010.
    52.204-21 Basic Safeguarding of Covered
    Contractor Information Systems.
    If paragraph (c ) of FAR 52.204-21 applies
    52.209-6 Protecting the Government’s Interest
    When Subcontracting with Contractors Debarred,
    Suspended, or Proposed for Debarment.
    If paragraph (e) of FAR 52.209-6 applies
    52.219-8 Utilization of Small Business Concerns. If paragraph (e)(1)(v) of FAR 52.212-5 Contract
    Terms and Conditions Required To Implement
    Statutes or Executive Orders—Commercial
    Products and Commercial Services.
    52.222-1 Notice to the Government of Labor
    Applies to the extent Subcontractor is providing labor.
    52.222-3 Convict Labor. Applies to the extent Subcontractor is providing labor.
    52.222-19 Child Labor-Cooperation with
    Authorities and Remedies.
    Applies to the extent Subcontractor is providing end
    products for delivery to the Government.
    52.222-21 Prohibition of Segregated Facilities. If paragraph (c ) of FAR 52.222-21 applies
    52.222-24 Preaward On-Site Equal Opportunity
    Compliance Evaluation.
    Applies to first-tier subcontractors that meet the
    requirements set forth in the clause.
    52.222-26 Equal Opportunity. If paragraph (c )(11) of FAR 52.222-26 applies
    52.222-35 Equal Opportunity for Veterans. If paragraph (c ) of FAR 52.222-35 applies
    52.222-36 Equal Opportunity for Workers with
    If paragraph (b) of FAR 52.222-36 applies
    52.222-37 Employment Reports on Veterans. If paragraph (g) of FAR 52.222-37 applies
    52.222-40 Notification of Employee Rights Under
    the National Labor Relations Act.
    If paragraph (f) of FAR 52.222-40 applies
    2.222-41 Service Contract Labor Standards. If paragraph (l) of FAR 52.222-41 applies. This clause
    does not apply to contracts or subcontracts
    administratively exempted by the Secretary of Labor
    or exempted by 41 U.S.C. 6702, as interpreted in
    Subpart C of 29 CFR Part 4.
    52.222-48 Exemption from Application of the
    Service Contract Labor Standards to Contracts for
    Maintenance, Calibration, or Repair of Certain
    If paragraph (g) of FAR 52.222-37 appliesApplies to
    the extent Subcontractor is providing exempt
    52.222-51 Exemption from Application of the
    Service Contract Labor Standards to Contracts for
    Maintenance, Calibration, or Repair of Certain
    If paragraph (f) of FAR 52.222-51 applies
    52.222-53 Exemption from Application of the
    Service Contract Labor Standards to Contracts for
    Certain Services-Requirements.
    If paragraph (h) of FAR 52.222-53 applies
    52.222-54 Employment Eligibility Verification. If paragraph (e) of FAR 52.222-54 applies
    52.222-55 Minimum Wages for Contractor
    Workers Under Executive Order 14026.
    If paragraph (k) of FAR 52.222-55 applies
    52.222-62 Paid Sick Leave Under Executive Order
    If paragraph (m) of FAR 52.222-62 applies
    52.223-1 Biobased Product Certification. Applies to the extent Subcontractor is using or
    delivering biobased products (within categories of
    products listed by the USDA in 7 CFR part 3201,
    subpart B) in performance of the contract.
    52.223-3 Hazardous Material Identification and
    Material Safety Data.
    Applies to the extent the Subcontractor is delivering
    any Hazardous material as defined under the latest
    version of Federal Standard No. 313 (including
    revisions adopted during the term of the contract).
    52.223-5 Pollution Prevention and Right-to-Know
    Applies to the extent that Subcontractor is
    performing work on a Federal facility (see 23.1005
    Contract clause.).
    52.223-9 Estimate of Percentage of Recovered
    Material Content for EPA-Designated Items.
    Applies to the extent Subcontractor is delivering
    and/or using EPA-designated item(s) in Subcontract
    52.223-11 Ozone-Depleting Substances and High
    Global Warming Potential Hydrofluorocarbons.
    Applies to the extent Subcontractor is providing
    products that contain or are manufactured with
    ozone-depleting substances.
    52.223-12 Maintenance, Service, Repair, or
    Disposal of Refrigeration Equipment and Air
    Applies to the extent Subcontractor is providing
    maintenance, service, repair or disposal of (1)
    Refrigeration equipment, such as refrigerators, chiller,
    or freezers; or (2) Air conditioners, including air
    conditioning systems in motor vehicles.
    52.223-13 Acquisition of EPEAT®–Registered
    Imaging Equipment.
    Applies to the extent Subcontractor is delivering
    imaging equipment.
    52.223-14 Acquisition of EPEAT®-Registered
    Applies to the extent Subcontractor is delivering
    52.223-15 Energy Efficiency in Energy-Consuming
    If paragraph (b) and (c ) of FAR 52.223-15 applies
    52.223-16 Acquisition of EPEAT®-Registered
    Personal Computer Products.
    Applies to the extent Subcontractor is delivering,
    furnishing personal computer products.
    52.223-18 Encouraging Contractor Policies to Ban
    Text Messaging While Driving.
    If paragraph (d) of FAR 52.223-18 applies
    52.224-2 Privacy Act. If paragraph (a)(3) of FAR 52.224-2 applies (for the
    design, development, or operation of a system of
    records on individuals required to accomplish an
    agency function).
    52.224-3 Privacy Training. If paragraph (f) of FAR 52.224-3 applies
    52.225-19 Contractor Personnel in a Designated
    Operational Area or Supporting a Diplomatic or
    Consular Mission Outside the United States.
    If paragraph (q) of FAR 52.225-19 applies
    52.225-26 Contractors Performing Private Security
    Functions Outside the United States.
    If paragraph (f) of FAR 52.225-26 applies
    2.226-6 Promoting Excess Food Donation to
    Nonprofit Organizations.
    Applies to orders for the provision, service, or sale of
    food in the US with a value that exceeds the
    threshold specific in FAR 26.404 Contract clause. on
    the date of award
    52.228-3 Workers’ Compensation Insurance
    (Defense Base Act).
    If paragraph (c) of FAR 52.228-3 applies
    52.228-5 Insurance-Work on a Government
    If paragraph (c) of FAR 52.228-5 applies
    52.232-40 Providing Accelerated Payments to Small
    Business Subcontractors.
    If paragraph (c) of FAR 52.232-40 applies
    52.237-10 Identification of Uncompensated
    Applies to the extent required by FAR 37.115-3 Solicitation provision.
    52.247-64 Preference for Privately Owned U.S.-
    Flag Commercial Vessels.
    If paragraph (d) of FAR 52.247-64 applies
    552.211-75 Preservation, Packaging, and Packing. Applies to the extent the Subcontractor is delivering

    Subcontractor will manage compliance with security and safety requirements for any of itsemployees requiring access to Government facilities, Government information or Governmentinformation systems including, but not limited to completion of forms, adhering todirectives implemented under HSPD-12 and conducting background investigations. Subcontractorwill ensure that its employees provide complete and accurate informationrelated to any request for such access, including information needed for backgroundchecks. Subcontractor shall provide personnel who successfully pass any requiredbackground investigations. Subcontractor will ensure its employees do not remove anyGovernment information from any Government facilities. When required by the Government,Subcontractor will comply with any Government agency security awareness training for itspersonnel. Any violation of such rules and requirements, unless promptly corrected, shallbe grounds for termination of this Contract in accordance with the default provisionshereof.

    Subcontractor agrees to complete a Verizon required business size certification and update it within 30days after any change to the size status provided to Verizon.

    Subcontractor also certifies the following to the best of its knowledge and belief that it is not presentlydebarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, or declared ineligible for the award of contracts by anygovernment agency. Subcontractor will immediately notify Verizon should this eligibility statuschange.

  • Installers | Verizon Connect (2024)


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