Konoha: Gu Master Creates Hokage - Chapter 136 (2024)

Chapter 136 Where is the Savior (Part 3, Part 4)

Thick fog, endless fog.

Only occasionally can you vaguely see the aftermath of the collision of ninjutsu.

Kakashi Hatake and Zabuza Momochi are matched against each other, and so far, the fight has been completely indifferent.

The former has the Sharingan, and the latter has the silent killing technique.


Kakashi Hatake’s eyes suddenly narrowed slightly and he said, “The companion you brought has been captured. If you surrender now, you still have room for maneuver.”

Although there was thick fog, the sound could not be blocked.

The sound of Bai and others’ fighting had just disappeared when they were noticed.


Mochi Zabuza sneered twice and asked, “Shiro has Ice Release, who do you think will be captured?”

“Ice Escape?”

Kakashi Hatake’s heart was moved, but he said calmly, “If your companion wins, he shouldn’t be silent at this time.”

Mochi Zabuza’s face darkened slightly.

Based on his understanding of dialogue, after capturing Tazuna, he should notify him.

Did he really lose?

How can it be?

Although Shiro is young, he has ice escape, and ordinary jounin can’t do anything to him.

Not to mention three brats who just graduated.

He suddenly thought of the Aburame Zhihui who took away the beheading sword with his bare hands.

There will always be geniuses in this world.

With his power, he might be able to overturn Bai.

“He is not my companion.”

Mochi Zabuza said in a cold tone, “He is just my tool. Being captured means that he has lost his value.”

“As expected of a ghost.”

Hatake Kakashi couldn’t help but frown.

He did not doubt Moochi Zabuza’s words.

After all, this man was a graduate of the ninja school in Kirigakure Village and single-handedly killed all the students in his class.

Different from the simple Three Body Skills assessment in Konoha Village, they conduct a battle royale assessment.

But this was the first time Kirigakure had seen such ruthless people who killed everyone, so the assessment method was changed the next year.

“But your defeat is certain.”

Hatake Kakashi quickly relaxed and said.

“Just your three students?”

Mochi Zabuza snorted coldly.

Although he refused to admit defeat, he understood that the current situation was quite unfavorable to him.

All this is because of Hatake Kakashi’s three students.

He originally thought he was at the level of a genin, but in the end he was able to defeat even Haku, who had Ice Release.

It means that their combined strength has exceeded that of ordinary jounin.

If this continues, his defeat will be a matter of time.

It was just Shiro and his beheading sword… Momochi Zabuza thought of this and suddenly stepped back into the thick fog.

Hatake Kakashi suddenly lost his target, and his expression became extremely wary.

After a few seconds, he realized something and quickly used the teleportation technique to run out.

As Bai fell into coma, the fog outside had disappeared.

As soon as he emerged from the mist, he saw Momochi Zabuza rushing towards Aburame Shiki and the others.


Kakashi Hatake spoke anxiously.

He didn’t expect Mochi Zabuza to be so ungrateful that he would directly attack three children.

“Konoha’s powerful whirlwind!”

Uzumaki Naruto noticed him, and when he turned his body, he performed a green roundhouse kick.

Because of the excessive speed and super strength, there was a sound of breaking wind.

Mochi Zabuza’s heart skipped a beat.

This brat is no ordinary genin.

But that was all, he kicked him out directly.

The feet collided and there was a moment of stalemate.

A second later, Uzumaki Naruto flew backwards.

Aburame Zhihui jumped up and supported him in mid-air.

A force came and he removed it easily.


Aburame Shiki threw Uzumaki Naruto towards him.

Because Momochi Zabuza has already attacked.

After Uzumaki Naruto was kicked away, he jumped up and rushed out at extremely fast speeds.

The target is none other than Aburame Shiki.

When he got closer, he could already see Momochi Zabuza’s fierce expression.

He clenched his fist and was about to hit Aburame Zhihui’s body.

Just knock this kid out and capture him, and everything will still have a chance.

Hatake Kakashi suddenly stopped, with a subtle look on his face.

Are you playing close to Aburame Shiki?

The importance of intelligence is clearly evident here.

Although Shiki Aburame had shown his great strength before, in Momochi Zabuza’s view, he was only at the level of a normal jounin.

After all, there are not many jounin who can catch a sword with bare hands.

For example, he himself can catch the rotating beheading sword.

Therefore, Momochi Zabuza believes that Aburame Shiki’s strength is limited no matter how great it is.

He is just a brat.


There was a bang.

Momochi Zabuza clearly heard the sound of broken bones.

from his right arm.

Along with the intense pain comes unrivaled strength.

Momochi Zabuza felt like he was a cannonball.

Take off directly.

There were even air waves visible to the naked eye around him.

That’s caused by intense friction with the air.

Mochi Zabuza hit the ground.

Secondary damage ensues.

The ground cracked and deep pits appeared.

Momochi Zabuza felt that his entire back had lost all feeling.

He was completely confused.

what’s the situation?

Is this the power that humans should have?

“If you had used ninjutsu, you wouldn’t have lost so completely.”

Hatake Kakashi walked up to him with a smile.

Even he didn’t dare to take the punch from Shiki Aburame.

It could really kill people.

However, Zabuza Momochi had good physical fitness and didn’t faint.

Kakashi Hatake looked at his muscles and understood.

He thought to himself that he should exercise after returning.

If his three students were not strong enough, the situation today would be difficult to end.

Of course, with the Anbu, nothing would go wrong.

But what about future missions?

Let his students save the day every time?

Who is the leader of the team?

“So strong!”

Uzumaki Naruto patted his thigh, which was still numb.

After fighting with Zabuza Momochi, he had a personal experience.

If the Seven Ninja Swordsmen were all so strong, then Might Day’s eight gates would be invincible.

“Are you okay?” Shiki Aburame stretched out his hand and aimed at his thigh.

“How can I be in trouble?”

Uzumaki Naruto showed a confident smile, but soon the smile froze and he shouted, “It hurts! Why did you hit me?”

“I thought you were really fine.”

Aburame Shiki smiled and used the Palm Immortal Technique.


Uzumaki Naruto was speechless.

Can’t I even brag?


Uchiha Sasuke suddenly said.

Aburame Shiki raised his head and saw eight ninjas from the Anbu.

But they were not the Anbu of Konoha Village, but the Anbu of Kirigakure Village.

They all wore the forehead protectors of Kirigakure Village.

Aburame Shiki was not surprised.

Momochi Zabuza has been hunted by the Kirigakure Anbu since he defected.

He just came out now, probably because he wanted to take advantage of the situation.

“Zabuza Momochi is a traitor from the Hidden Mist Village.”

The leading Anbu captain said, “Please leave it to us, everyone in Konoha Village.”

“Sorry, I refuse.”

Hatake Kakashi looked at the Anbu of the Hidden Mist Village and showed an expression of “as expected”.

After all, Shizune mentioned to him that the Hidden Mist Village was very likely behind Cardo.

He also thought it made sense.

Can a mere shipping company control a country casually without the support of the Hidden Mist Village?

“This is the Land of Waves, located in a remote area, and no one will know if you die here.”

The Anbu captain said expressionlessly.

“Are you threatening me?”

Hatake Kakashi raised his eyebrows and couldn’t help laughing.

“What are you laughing at?”

The Anbu captain said in a cold voice, “Although you are the famous copy ninja Hatake Kakashi, we have more people than you.”

“I’ll give you this sentence.”

A pleasant female voice suddenly sounded.

In an instant, two rows of figures appeared one by one around.

“It’s our Anbu.” Uchiha Sasuke breathed a sigh of relief. He really thought that a fierce battle would come. “It seems that the village has already planned it.” Uchiha Sasuke said thoughtfully. “What plan?” Uzumaki Naruto scratched his head and asked, “What are you talking about?” “…” Uchiha Sasuke curled his lips and didn’t bother to pay attention to him. The atmosphere suddenly became awkward. Attack and defense change. The captain of the Anbu of the Hidden Mist Village froze in place. Facing the Anbu of the Konoha Village who had twice as many people as them, he dared not say anything big anymore. “Momochi Zabuza is now a prisoner of the Konoha Village.” The masked Uzuki Yugao said bluntly, “If you want to exchange him back, let your Mizukage show the sincerity you should have.” “You… wait!” The eight Anbu of the Hidden Mist Village said a harsh word and turned to flee. “The two of them are left to you to deal with.” Hatake Kakashi pointed at the unconscious Momochi Zabuza and Haku on the ground and said. “Okay.”

Uzuki Yugao nodded.

Hatake Kakashi was born in the Anbu, and he was their senior. In addition to his special status, he had the highest command here.

Dazna was trembling.

I just got out of the wolf’s den and entered the tiger’s den again?

No, that’s not right.

The reputation of Konoha Village has always been very good.

They will not attack their employers.

Thinking of this, Dazna regained his courage and said, “Kado, who threatens the Wave Country, has not been eliminated yet.”

“We will go now.”

Uzuki Yugao looked at him and smiled faintly.

He was sold and helped count the money.

“You are worthy of being a ninja from Konoha Village!”

Dazna saw that his great revenge was avenged, and even his words became much better.

Under his leadership, everyone came to Cardo’s residence.

“Who is it?”

Outside the residence, there were many wandering warriors patrolling.

As soon as they appeared, they were surrounded.

Uzuki Yugao glanced, stretched out her hand, and pointed two fingers down.

The Anbu ninjas behind her rushed forward.

The battle was one-sided in an instant.

Soon, Cardo was pressed in front of everyone.

He was wearing a suit, his Mediterranean hair was shining, and he was no longer as arrogant as before. When he saw them, he knelt down and begged for mercy.

Hatake Kakashi walked up and directly controlled him with illusion.

He needed to find out where Cardo’s treasure was.

But the next process was not convenient for too many people to know.

Especially Dazna.

Therefore, he did not ask for the time being.

“Mr. Dazna.”

Hatake Kakashi said slowly, “According to the previous contract, we will help you build the bridge.”

“Thank you!”

Dazna rubbed his hands and said, “You are such good people.”

“But don’t forget the terms between us.”

Hatake Kakashi reminded.

“Certainly not!”

Dazuna nodded solemnly.

There are two conditions.

One is that control belongs to Konoha.

Second, merchants in the Country of Waves need to pay certain tolls.

But in return, Konoha Village promised to provide protection and make connections to help countries near the Country of Waves trade.

Of course, merchants must issue entrusted tasks and provide rewards.

All in all, according to Dazna, it’s a win-win situation.

[Achieve the achievement of ‘Master Zhihui, tall and hard’, and get a reward of ten kilograms of strength Gu. 】

[Ten kilograms of strength Gu: Level 2 Gu insect, strength type, can increase the Gu master’s strength by ten kilograms. 】

High and hard?

Do I make money while standing?

Aburame Zhihui raised her eyebrows slightly.

It’s just that ten pounds is a bit small.

But the good thing is that it is a permanent increase, so it is not a loss.

[Achieve the achievement of ‘There has never been a savior’ and receive the Iron Bone Gu as a reward. 】

[Iron Bone Gu: Level 3 Gu, a consumable type. After using it, the bones of the whole body can become as hard as steel. 】

There is still one?

Aburame Zhihui was a little surprised.

The rewards are obviously better this time.

Although it is a one-time poison, the effect is permanent.

This time he became really strong.

Aburame Zhihui was thoughtful.

The former achievement corresponds to the method he proposed to make money for Konoha Village.

The latter achievement is probably due to him saving the Land of Waves, but not completely.

In essence, Konoha Village is still Cardo, but its methods are softer.

“Leave the rest to the ANBU.”

Hatake Kakashi coughed lightly and said, “We have just experienced a fierce battle and need to take a break.”

In fact, he couldn’t stand it.

The battle with Zabuza Momochi consumed too much of his chakra.

If it weren’t for saving face in front of outsiders, he would have fallen to the ground and fallen asleep.


Maoyue Xiyan had no doubts.

“I have controlled Cardo, and he now answers all questions.”

Hatake Kakashi added, “You should know what Hokage-sama wants.”

“I see.”

Maoyue Xiyan nodded.

As for the seventh class, they rested in Kado’s mansion.

Aburame Zhihui sat cross-legged on the bed.

He spread his hands, and there was a Gu insect quietly placed in the palm of his hand, which was the Iron Bone Gu.

Ten kilograms of strength Gu will take effect after being put into the hole, so don’t worry about it.

But Iron Bone Gu is different, it is consumable.

Aburame Zhihui thought, and her true energy surged out.

The true essence of a third-level Gu Master is called silver true essence.

He is a third-level high-level person, but because of the Seven Fragrance Liquor Insect, his true energy is at the third-level peak, so the color is snow silver.

As the name suggests, it is silver like snow.

Iron Bone Gu was overwhelmed by the true energy, and his body gradually disappeared.

Aburame Zhihui felt a strange flow of air flow throughout her body in an instant.

His bones underwent fundamental changes.

“Just how to test it?”

Aburame Zhihui touched her chin, thought for a while, and finally gave up.

This is completely asking for trouble.

He didn’t have to do it.

“It would be great if there were bone veins.”

Aburame Shiki thought of Kimimaro.

This Iron Bone Gu is a perfect match for him.

After a day’s rest, Hatake Kakashi’s chakra finally recovered.

The four people did not stop any longer and returned to Konoha Village.

As for the country of waves, ANBU will naturally handle it properly.

Kirigakure Village.

Mizukage’s office.

“That’s just the way it is.”

The ANBU team leader reported.

“Did the Leaf Village get there first?”

Terumi Mei rubbed her eyebrows.

Since taking office, she has been left with a mess.

Kirigakure Village is not only depleted of talent, but also extremely poor.

Terumi Mei decided to open up the policy.

Naturally, she noticed a big golden pig like Cardo.

But what she didn’t expect was that Tsunade was one step ahead of her.

This step is worth hundreds of millions.

My hands tremble today, and my heart aches today.

“Contact the Leaf Village.”

Mei Terumi took a deep breath and said, “Try to get Zabuza and Shiro back.”

Two in one.

Konoha: Gu Master Creates Hokage - Chapter 136 (2024)


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Name: Chrissy Homenick

Birthday: 2001-10-22

Address: 611 Kuhn Oval, Feltonbury, NY 02783-3818

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Job: Mining Representative

Hobby: amateur radio, Sculling, Knife making, Gardening, Watching movies, Gunsmithing, Video gaming

Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.