“Seek ye first the kingdom beyond the Mind, above everything else, because reality is the Influence and the Will of TIME.”
Mind ReMapping is a discipline for those willing to take the paths along roads less travelled. These journeys for the most part are impossible, but as untouched real estate of Time its streets are paved with GOLD.
If you could wake up tomorrow KNOWING exactly what your Mind is, what its purpose is, and why the Mind, because of our absence of higher knowledge LIMITS and disempowers us, would you want to know?
If so, these are the rules should you wish to enter the GATEWAY into the INVERSE worlds of the MIND:
1. Life is a class so make sure your Mind is in full attendance, because there is “NO TIME FOR CAUTION”
2. Lack of money is sometimes a good thing, it draws out the fundamental weaknesses in character that until revealed, are hidden behind the illusions of money and accepted success. Accepted success only reflects those who can follow universal rules of physical reality, but it doesn’t reflect the exceptions of who you really are.
3. You must observe the worst versions of yourself, to know the authentic person you want to become. This is how we find humility.
4. People don’t really follow fame and status, it is examples of leadership, bravery, and inspiration which people admire.
5. To be a leader you must be willing to be the first, braving storms in the face of rejection and mockery for those who may have lost their way. We could be their North Star, as a beacon appearing above the horizon of a chaotic life.
6. The Mind is both a language and a figment of Imagination & TIME.
7.What we call the Mind is both a Black & White hole, thus meaning heaven and hell are the same locations at either end of a spectrum.
8. Every Mind is a synthesis of TIME through the “9 levels of Consciousness”, meaning we are Meta Physically encoded.
9. Time has more than 1 directional path, it has 129600 permutations every second. This is why Imagination is more important than logic.
10. TIME is the ONLY currency that matters, we all have the same 24 hrs, and this is as fair as life gets, but those who are creative, can distort and stretch Time in new directions.
11. We presume that we use earth’s natural resources to sustain our lives, where in fact, the earth and its resources, use us. The Mind is a LOOP, simply giving the impression of Thinking, as illusions of choice, whereas nature doesn’t need to think because it is intuitive.
12. Every periodical element carries ancestral knowledge within molecules of time, embedded within our physiology. This is where we will find the Akashic Records emitting transmissions from the crown of the brain.
13. Fundamentally, we each have 2 mirroring personalities as dual reference points. The external, which is internal, and the internal which is external. You have been Inverted, believing prospects of Good and Evil are conflicts, but they are one and the same. However, children commonly know their mirrored personality as their imaginary friend.
14. Synthesised Minds are programmed to be counter intuitive/instinctive.
15. Fear is not a weakness, but fear are instinctive strengths emanating from the navel region of the body.
16. Neither fighting nor fleeing fear is appropriate, instead, we are supposed to yield or wield fear.
17. What we call the Mind, are Imaginative Mirrors of Perception, reflecting TIME of the Past, Present & Future that run concurrently.
18. We share the same natural resources that once sustained every great Mind that has ever lived, located in you as TIME.
19. You have the makings of an original Mind. We have already had a Tesla, Musk, Eistein, Beethoven, Hendrix etc. Copying, mimicking or cloning ideas are for those without IMAGINATION.
20.The Mind is the GATEWAY PROCESS which both elevates and descends simultaneously through all levels of consciousness using modulated frequencies of the brain, and your Mind, is a Quantum Identity.
These are a few of the infinite discoveries of Mind ReMapping because knowledge has no end, but first, you have to Invert and orientate your Mind the right way up.
Mind ReMapping is a practice of “Quantisation” manifesting the geometric blueprints of our intentions into harmonious physical realities.
This is your Quantum Identity, a Mental MetaMorphosis to the most powerful part of your Consciousness.
Please view this video: Bashar – “HOW TO REWRITE THE BLUEPRINT OF YOUR EXPERIENCE IN LIFE” (9 levels of consciousness) as prework for the workshops.
REGISTER TODAY and ensure your participation in one or all of the following Mind ReMapping gateway events scheduled for the end of this month:
- D0 – Mind Inversion Orientation on May 29th @ 8pm (UK TIME)
- D1 – Mind Inversion – Point of Focus on May 30th 8pm (UK TIME)
- D2 – Mind Inversion – Objectification (Meta Coding) on May 31st 8pm (UK TIME)
Kind Regards.
Mind ReMapping.
If you have any questions please get in touch.