25 Fun Things Kids Love a Lot (2024)

25 Fun Things Kids Love a Lot (1)

In This Article

Kids are great, aren’t they? There are innumerable things kids love, and those things have the ability to teach us the most important lessons of life.

We as adults think that we know everything about life, and when it comes to kids, we inadvertently get into a preaching mode and tend to give them unsolicited sermons.

But, we need to practice to shift our attention to what kids love to do. And, from the things kids like to do, we too can learn the true meaning of happiness in life that even the best books can’t teach.

For example, kids can teach us a lot, especially how to slow down in our fast-paced life and pay attention to what is truly important in life.

Here are 25 little things kids love a lot. If we try to abide by these, we can make our children happy and at the same time, get back to reliving our childhood and savor the real happiness of life.

1. Undivided attention

25 Fun Things Kids Love a Lot (2)

One of the things children love the most is, getting full attention. But, isn’t it true with we adults as well?

So, put that phone away and meet your child eye to eye. Really pay attention to them, and nothing else, and they will shower you with the purest love in the world.

2. Their world

It seems like one of the things all kids is living in a continual world of make-believe.

As a parent, you have to be responsible and level-headed. But, once in a while, step outside of the adult zone and act more child-like.

One excellent way to do this is to join their make-believe world. Who cares if Legos aren’t actually alive? Just go with it and have fun!

3. Creative pursuits

Kids love to create, even if what they are painting or gluing together isn’t a masterpiece. The important part is the process.

This is one of the most important lessons to be learned, as we, grown-ups are always more result-oriented. And, amidst the race of achieving success, we forget enjoying the process and living life!

4. Dance parties

If you are ruminating over what do kids love, dancing is what they love!

Dancing allows them to express themselves freely, and also, it is one of the best ways to exercise.

So, get a bunch of kid dance tunes going and let loose! Show your kids some of your own dance moves.

5. Cuddles

25 Fun Things Kids Love a Lot (3)

Cuddling is one of the things that all kids love.

Kids need physical touch, and nothing is better than cuddles.

Some kids ask for them, and others act up until you realize that they need a little love. So, when you realize that your kids are unreasonably cranky, now you know what needs to be done!

6. Best friends

Kids love their parents, and nothing can alter this fact. But, at the same time, it is also true that they need people of their own age who love and accept them.

So, always encourage and help them foster friendships with other great kids.

7. Structure

Kids won’t tell in words that they need rules and boundaries, but they will with their actions.

Kids who test boundaries and rules are actually checking the structure to see how strong it is. When they realize it is strong, they feel more secure.

8. You notice things about them

Maybe your middle child is hilarious. So, if you point out that he is a comedian, it will make him all the more excited.

This way, when you notice something about your children, and you reinforce a trait to them, it will help them feel good and aid in building their confidence.

9. Choice

Well, when you are thinking about what do little kids like, try to also focus on what they don’t like.

For example, children obviously don’t like to be told what to do.

As they age, they especially appreciate choices. Even if it’s a matter of choosing between which chores to do, or when they do to them, they love the power of choice. It helps them have a little bit of control.

10. A predictable schedule

25 Fun Things Kids Love a Lot (4)

There is a feeling of comfort in knowing that meals come at a particular time, bedtime comes at a specific time, and other activities come at certain times.

So, a predictable schedule is one of the things kids love, as they get a sense of security and safety. This feeling helps them in building their trust in you.

11. Traditions

Birthday, festivals and other family traditions are the things kids love. These occasions allow them to get involved in various activities with their families and help them in fostering a feeling of togetherness.

When birthdays or holidays come, children look forward to decorating and celebrating in the same way your family chooses to celebrate.

12. Photos and stories

Sure, they haven’t been alive all that long, but looking back at pictures of themselves and hearing stories about when they were little are things that kids truly appreciate.

So print some pictures for an album and tell them about when they were born, learning to talk, etc.

13. Cooking

Don’t believe it? But, cooking is one of the things kids love to do, especially when they are seeking some creative indulgence.

Get your child a little apron and invite them to get mixing! Whether it’s helping to make dinner or making a special treat, your little one will love just cooking together.

14. Playing outside

One of the answers to what do little kids like to do is, they love playing outside!

Children get cabin fever if they’ve been cooped up too long. So, throw the ball back and forth, hop on your bikes, or go for a hike. Get outdoors and have fun playing.

15. Not be in a rush

Stomping in puddles and smelling the flowers are just part of the fun when a kid goes anywhere.

So if you’re headed to the store or doctor’s office together, leave early to factor in some time to not be in a rush.

16. Grandma and grandpa time

Kids have a special kinship with their grandparents and spending quality with them is one of the things kids love, with all their heart.

So, help facilitate a special time with their grandparents when they can bond.

17. Showing interest

Maybe her love of the moment is a movie you don’t really like, but showing some interest in it will mean the world to your child.

Showing interest in the things kids love can bring them close to you and take your bonding to another level.

18. Their artwork

Proudly displaying their creations is undoubtedly one of the things kids love. It makes them feel proud!

Appreciate your kids when they do that. At the same time, encourage them to get better at their artwork.

18. Their artwork

Proudly displaying their creations is undoubtedly one of the things kids love. It makes them feel proud!

Appreciate your kids when they do that. At the same time, encourage them to get better at their artwork.

19. Regular one-on-one time

25 Fun Things Kids Love a Lot (5)

Especially if you have several kids, they each need their own time with you to connect and feel special.

So, you can make sure to spend some one-on-one time with your kids and get heartily involved in things kids love.

20. Hearing “I Love You”

Maybe you show your love to your child, but hearing it is excellent, too.

So, be vocal and with all your heart say “I Love You” to your child and see the magic!

21. Listening

Your child may not be able to communicate all of their thoughts and feelings. Really listening will help them feel like you care and are hearing what they are truly saying.

So, listen to them! Instead, practice listening with everyone around you and see the equations improving with the people you communicate.

22. A healthy environment

A clean and safe place to live, good food to eat, and all of the necessities of life are something kids will truly appreciate.

23. Silliness

Kids love to be silly, and they love it, even more, when their parents are silly.

24. Guidance

Don’t tell your child what to do all the time, but rather guide them. Offer options and talk about what they want to do in life.

25. Support

When a child’s favorite sport is soccer, for example, and you support their passion and give them opportunities to pursue it, for a kid, there is nothing better.

These are some of the things kids love and appreciate from the bottom of their hearts. We must try to work on these tips to provide our kids with a conducive environment to foster their joyful and healthy growth.

At the same time, these little things kids love have a great message for us as well. If we try to incorporate these things in our life, we, too, can live a happy and fulfilling life just like our children do!

Watch this video to go down the nostalgic memory lane!

25 Fun Things Kids Love a Lot (6)

25 Fun Things Kids Love a Lot (2024)


What activities does your child enjoy? ›

  • Making playthings from household items.
  • Bubble socks.
  • Build a den.
  • Ice finds.
  • Water painting.
  • Drawing with chalk.
  • Drawing outdoors.
  • Scavenger hunt.

What do 10 year olds enjoy doing? ›

Enjoy competitive games and sports. Are interested in clubs and group activities. Like science, chemistry and astronomy. May enjoy stories, putting on plays or shows, acting and games like charades.

What's popular with kids right now? ›

  • Kids today are often interested in a mix of things:
  • Many like playing video games on phones, tablets, or consoles.
  • They might love characters from cartoons or movies.
  • Kids often enjoy collecting toys or items related to their favorite shows or games.
  • Playing outside, riding bikes, or playing sports can be exciting.
Dec 18, 2023

What kids spend the most time? ›

Children spend the most time indoors at home, with activities such as screen-based activities, homework, and unstructured play being significant components of their daily routines.

What are kids like at 10? ›

At age 10, children are in their preteens where their brains are absorbing information at a rapid pace and can expand their reasoning abilities. They also have much more control over their bodies, strength is rapidly increasing, and sports and active play are becoming easier and less tiring.

What is the happiest thing a child can do? ›

The pleasantest thing a child can do is going up in the air by swinging. Explanation: In the poem named 'Swing', the poet has beautifully described how a child enjoys a ride in a swing. It is the most pleasant and joyful thing a child does by swinging up in the air so high.

What are some things your child is interested in? ›

12 Things Little Kids Are Always Interested In
  • Mom and Dad. Learning objective: daily activities. ...
  • Brothers and Sisters. Learning objective: traits and characteristics. ...
  • Cats and Dogs. Learning objective: superlatives and comparisons. ...
  • Cake and Ice Cream. ...
  • Birthdays. ...
  • School. ...
  • Friends. ...
  • Scary Stuff.

Is a 9 year old a tween? ›

Kids between 8 and 12 are called “tweens” because they are in between children and teenagers. It's very normal for kids this age to start to move from being very close to parents to wanting to be more independent. But they still need a lot of help from their parents. Kids this age go through big physical changes.

What activities do 9 year olds like? ›

101 fun things to do for kids ages 9-12
  • Set up easels and paint pictures outdoors.
  • Visit your local science museum.
  • Learn how to knot friendship bracelets.
  • Go to a coffee shop and write poetry.
  • Put on an impromptu play.
  • Put together a scavenger hunt.
  • Bake a loaf of homemade bread.
  • Build and launch a model rocket.
Feb 28, 2024

What interests 10 year olds? ›

And this new-found mental maturity gives them the skills to take on more complex games, crafts, and puzzles. It also carries over into deepening interests in sports, drama, painting, and other hobbies.

What's trending for kids in 2024? ›

Eco-lasting Play, Eerie Enchantment, Vitamin P(lay), and Anime Mania Named Biggest Trends of the Year.

What's trending with children? ›

Fusing emotional intelligence, screen-free active play, and sports-inspired fun, this trend is set to redefine the landscape of children's play, as toymakers deliver more toys that not only promote physical fitness but moreover stimulate creativity, healthy emotional expression, and social interaction.

What stuff makes kids happy? ›

#17 Play video games with your kids Even if you aren't good, they will love you spending time in their world. #18 Show real gratitude for your child Thank them for helping or doing something kind. #20 Get out in nature together Go for bush walks, swims in the lake/ocean/pools, walk on the beach.

What topics are kids most interested in? ›

12 Things Little Kids Are Always Interested In
  • Mom and Dad. Learning objective: daily activities. ...
  • Brothers and Sisters. Learning objective: traits and characteristics. ...
  • Cats and Dogs. Learning objective: superlatives and comparisons. ...
  • Cake and Ice Cream. ...
  • Birthdays. ...
  • School. ...
  • Friends. ...
  • Scary Stuff.

What keeps kids happy? ›

Play creates joy, but play is also how your child develops skills essential to future happiness. Unstructured play allows her to discover what she loves to do — build cities out of blocks, teach math to her stuffed animals — which help her cultivate interests that can last a lifetime.

What kids are the happiest? ›

As a Dutch child psychologist who works with families in the Netherlands, I've observed a number of different parenting styles across many cultures. While each approach has its benefits, Dutch kids are consistently ranked as the happiest in the world.


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Name: Tish Haag

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Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.