15 Things To Do Every Day That Will Show Your Kids You Love Them (2024)

I’m a big believer of telling my kids I love them, but I’m an even bigger believer of showing your kids with your actions. After all, we’re always telling our kids that actions speak louder than words, so we should be giving our kids the example.

I decided to come up with some easy ideas to show your kids love that you can do every day.

These aren’t complicated, they don’t take up a lot of time, and if you can check these things off your list every day, you can feel confident that your kids will go to bed at night feeling loved.

And, what more does a parent want?

15 Things To Do Every Day That Will Show Your Kids You Love Them (1)

So here are 15 things you can do every single day to show your kids that you love them.

1. Compliment them on something they said or did.

Everyone loves a compliment and kids are no exception. Notice the good things that your kids say or do, and point it out in a compliment.

2. Give hugs when they come and go.

It’s so easy with the busy lives we lead to forgetting something so simple. I never let my kids walk out the door for school without a hug, and when they come back home they get another one.

This is especially helpful on days when there is conflict in the mornings. At least they know that mom still loves them despite whatever happened that morning.

3. Double your eye contact with them.

Parents today spend so much time online, and busy doing other things that we sometimes forget the easiest way to show someone that you care is to make eye contact with them.

Whatever you are currently doing, it’s easy to double that and step up your game.

4. Let your kids know you are turning your phone off and you are free to talk about whatever they want.

I’m on my phone a lot because of my blogging, and all that I do online. For me to tell my kids that I’m setting aside time each day to turn off my phone shows them that I’m there to listen and that adults need screen free time too.

5. Say yes to something you want to say no to.

It’s taken me a few years to loosen up on things that I used to be so strict about, but saying yes will boost your kid’s happiness and let them know that you care about what they want to do too. Within reason, of course.

6. Thank them for being a great kid.

I have one child, in particular, that is hard on himself. I try to make a point to tell him daily that he is a great kid. Because he is!

Kids need to know that they are doing good and being good, and using the word great is a major confidence boost.

15 Things To Do Every Day That Will Show Your Kids You Love Them (2)

7. Listen undistracted to a story.

Ask your kids to tell you a story about their day, or a dream they had last night, or if you’re brave a story from their favorite TV show.

Kids love to share with you things that are going on, but sometimes you have to show them that you are really listening.

Let them tell you a story every day, and they will feel loved.

8. Tell them you have 15 minutes to spend with them and let them plan your time together.

I love this one and it has done wonders for me as a mom too. I get insight into what my kids need for me if they are planning our time together.

Sometimes they just want to snuggle, sometimes they want to play a game, or sometimes they want a story. This is a great way for them to feel loved and for you to get some insight into their needs.

9. Involve them in what you are doing.

Kids love to help, and involving them in whatever you need to do at the time may take longer, but it also helps them feel loved. The other day, my five-year-old loved loading the dishwasher because he was doing something with me, and felt proud of himself after.

10. Make a chore into a game that you play together.

Tapping into your kid’s imagination and making things fun is a great way for your kids to feel special and loved. If they need to do a chore, or clean their room, find a way to turn it into a game, or a make-believe experience and it will help them feel like you care about them.

11. Watch them play together.

When was the last time you just sat down and watched your kids play? It’s tempting to go do your own thing, but when they see you watching them, they feel noticed, and like what they are doing is important.

12. Tell them you are happy to see them when they come home.

Sometimes it’s easy to be weighed down by homework, or responsibility and we forget to show our kids that we’re happy to see them. A friend told me that she always tried to smile and be happy when her kids walked in the door and tell them how happy she was to see them. Your kids will start to believe it if you can be consistent.

13. Teach them something new.

It can be something small like a fact you grab from the Internet or something big like how to tie their shoes. If you can find a way to connect and teach every day, your kids will love it.

14. Read to them.

You can pick a fun article out of a kid’s magazine, or read a book. Even my older kids that can read still love being read to.

15. Have snuggle time at the end of the day.

There is no better way to connect at the end of a long day than to connect with them. And, all kids love snuggling. Show them you love them with lots of snuggles.

You don’t need to do all 15 things every day for your kids to feel loved.

However, the more of these you can incorporate into your daily routine, the more your kids will feel loved.

And, that’s what every child truly wants from a parent.

And sign up for my email list below to get this adorable free printable for your fridge so you can remember to do these things every day!

15 Things To Do Every Day That Will Show Your Kids You Love Them (3)

More on Loving Your Kids:

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15 Things To Do Every Day That Will Show Your Kids You Love Them (2024)


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14 Ways to Show Your Child Love: Valentine's Day & Every Day
  1. Cue the Cuddles. ...
  2. Share the Love of Reading. ...
  3. Think Hugs First. ...
  4. Discipline With Love. ...
  5. Hold Time Together Dear. ...
  6. Embrace Health & Safety. ...
  7. Choose Words with Care. ...
  8. Forgive Mistakes, Including Your Own.
Jan 31, 2024

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Here are 10 beautiful ways to tell your mother you love her:
  1. Write a card or letter. If you have a hard time expressing your feelings out loud, put it on paper. ...
  2. Show affection. ...
  3. Do nice things for her. ...
  4. Take her on a date. ...
  5. Give her some “me time” ...
  6. Leave her notes. ...
  7. Create a compilation video. ...
  8. Make a scrapbook.

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How to Help Kids Feel Loved and Lovable
  1. 1 Correct with love. Children look to their caregivers for reassurance that they are valued and valuable. ...
  2. 2 Notice children's efforts. Children feel cared for when adults pay attention to the little ways they are growing and learning. ...
  3. 3 Write love notes. ...
  4. 4 Be there.
Feb 22, 2022

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Lots of physical contact like cuddles, being carried, stroking, holding hands and tickles all help your baby or child release natural chemicals in their body. This makes them feel good – and the chemicals also help their brain grow. This won't spoil them.

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Cold mother syndrome refers to a parenting style characterized by emotional distance, dismissiveness, and rejection. This type of mothering is often accompanied by a lack of emotional availability and neglect of a child's emotional needs.

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So, if your child comes running when they trip and fall or asks for a hug when they're sad, it's because you've made them feel loved. Give your child plenty of hugs and kisses when they need comfort. Your toddler has learned to associate this with love and will probably start getting touchy-feely with you in return.

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A mother's love is often characterized by selflessness and sacrifice. She puts her child's needs before her own, willingly giving up her time, energy, and personal desires. Whether it's staying up all night to comfort a sick child or putting her dreams on hold to prioritize her family, a mother's love knows no bounds.

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6 Phrases To Express Love for an Adult Child
  1. "I love you for who you are."
  2. "I'm grateful for you." ...
  3. "I am so proud of you—not just of what you've accomplished but of who you are." ...
  4. "I love it when you come to me." ...
  5. "Let me know how I can help you." ...
  6. "I'm here for you." ...
  7. "That must be so hard."
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5 ways to help your child feel loved
  1. Carve out one-on-one time. One of the biggest ways to show love is spending time together. ...
  2. Create family rituals and routines. ...
  3. Be tuned in to your child's needs. ...
  4. Offer labeled praise. ...
  5. Avoid quick judgements. ...
  6. Remember, money can't buy love.
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Show respect for the child.

When you listen to your child share the story of their day, or provide special time together, you're showing your child you respect them. Don't rush them through their answers, or make them feel you're too busy for their attention.

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For emotional intelligence, the social world is an essential classroom. Unloved children, on the other hand, might find it difficult to handle these situations, which could result in social withdrawal, trouble making friends, or a general lack of confidence in social situations.

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On the other hand, children who do not have affectionate parents tend to have lower self esteem and to feel more alienated, hostile, aggressive, and anti-social. There have been a number of recent studies that highlight the relationship between parental affection and children's happiness and success.

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“The lack of affection has a direct impact on their emotional, physical and mental development, and in all cases there is a feeling of abandonment,” adds the expert. In addition to not being physically present, emotionally absent parents are characterized by other behaviors.

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🌟 As a parent, there are few things more important than letting your children know how much you love and appreciate them. 💕 It's easy to get caught up in the daily grind of work, chores, and errands, but taking just a few minutes each day to express your love can make a huge difference in your child's life.

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According to Mental Health America, love and affection help children to feel safe, secure, accepted, and comforted by building up their confidence and self-esteem, which is considered necessary for a child to have good mental health (Reference, 2020).


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