Aquarius Season Is Here, and It's Time to Chill (2024)

We are well into January, and I think I speak for us all when I say it’s time to take a break! Luckily, that’s exactly what you’re getting on January 20, when the Sun leaves stoic, stern Capricorn and flies into eccentric, excited Aquarius! Air signs Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius are having the best time this month, while the fixed signs Taurus, Leo, and Scorpio are working harder than ever. BTW: Aquarius season ends on February 18, when Pisces season begins.

Many people might think Aquarius is a water sign because of the “Aqua” part of Aquarius, but it’s actually an air sign. Weird, right? Well, "weird" is Aquarius’ whole thing. This zodiac energy is all about standing out and being different! And no matter your own zodiac sign, Aquarius season is all about shining bright, being yourself, and showing off all of you, even the parts that others might think are "weird" or "too much." I always say that Aquarius is one of the best cheerleaders of the zodiac: Aquarius will unapologetically be themselves, and they encourage others to let their freak flag fly, too!

Whether it’s sharing your never-before-seen underground music with others, watching extremely avant-garde movies, experimenting with an edgier look, entering competitive Pokémon tournaments… it doesn’t matter. If you’re passionate about something, no matter how odd, now’s the time to embrace it. Not only that, it's the time to share what you love with the world—and make sure you’re opening up space for others to share their quirks, too! Aquarius is the zodiac’s humanitarian, which means this month it’s a great time for volunteer work, collaborating with a group working for a common cause, or donating your time and/or money to charity. If you can’t do all that, being open-minded and showing others that you’re accepting of them can still do wonders.

There are a couple of drawbacks to this time of year, though. First, Aquarius is notoriously stubborn. No matter your own zodiac sign, you might find yourself feeling so passionate something, but no one else seems to care as much. Does that mean other people are in the wrong, or out to get you? No, it just means that they’re different—and that’s okay! Aquarius also has a tendency to act up and stand out just for the sake of standing out. Remember that not all attention is good attention, and breaking the rules just for the sake of breaking the rules isn’t always the best move. Stand out for the right reasons!

Over the next month, you’re being encouraged to be yourself. It bears repeating: Be yourself. No phoning it in—if you have a feeling or a passion, you should speak on it! Everyone is more open-minded right now, and the more you celebrate others' unique quirks, the more they’ll lift you up in return. Open your mind to different people from different walks of life, and you’re sure to pick up a ton of new friends. Oh, and one more thing: On the same day that Aquarius season begins, Pluto will enter Aquarius, a sign it last transited through in 1798. Yes, seventeen ninety-freaking-eight. This is a time of major changes and revolutions, so you have the power to transform your life into something much bigger and better than ever before. No pressure, though. 😉 Happy Aquarius season!

Read your Sun/Rising sign horoscope for Aquarius season 2024:


Hey, social butterfly! This month finds your chart’s zone of friendship and networking shining bright, and you’re meeting new friendly faces around every corner. This is a bad time for going at it alone—whether it’s work or a personal project, teamwork will 110% make the dream work. Cooperate and collaborate, and you can get a lot of sh*t done this month!


Your midheaven, the most public and visible zone of your chart, is getting lit up this Aquarius season. Translation: All eyes are on you right now. This is especially true at work. Every step in the right direction will be acknowledged and applauded. But the same is true for the opposite—doing a bad job or having a sh*tty work ethic will definitely be noticed, too. Use this time to think outside of the box and slay your work, and you’ll be rewarded by the end of this season.


You’re already known for being open-minded, but now you’re broadening your horizons in ways you didn’t think possible. People from all over the world with all sorts of personality types are bumping into you. You can use each of these new connections as a learning moment to expand your perspective on the world. There’s also a high likelihood of taking a trip somewhere! By the end of Aquarius season, you’ll be a much more well-rounded, knowledgeable person.


You’re diving deep this month, Cancer! You’re a water sign, so you’re a dreamer and a feeler, but Aquarius is a brainy air sign, a thinker. This Aquarius season, you’re looking at yourself in a completely different light and noticing parts of yourself that you didn’t know existed. This is a time to drag out baggage from the past and find the root of bad habits or unhealthy behaviors. You could spend the next month moping about it and feeling self-conscious—or you could work through these problems and begin to share the best version of yourself with the world.


It’s cuffing season! Aquarius occupies your chart’s relationship zone. That means that if you're single, this is one of the best times of year for you to get boo’d up. Or maybe you're coupled up and your love life is in great shape—awesome! You’re still linking up with great new people, turning your buddy into your bestie, and having a fun time with your boo. And no matter your relationship status, this is a great time to sign contracts or collaborate with someone at work or on a creative project.


You have a tendency to take care of others before yourself, and the symptoms of that are beginning to show. There’s nothing wrong with being helpful and investing your time and energy into others, but when you’re neglecting your own needs? That’s not the move. Aquarius season wants you to up your self-care game, tidy up your own life, and start healthier habits. You can’t pour from an empty cup, Virgo, so take care of you for a while. All of this self-neglect has left your life a little, well, messy, so it’ll be an uphill battle—but a worthwhile battle that I know you can win.


Aquarius season is one of the most exciting seasons for your sign, Libra! You’re finding romance more easily right now. Sex is hotter, too. Everything is just more fun! You’re feeling carefree, and you’re also experiencing a surge of creativity. Put yourself out there, because if you spend this month sitting around, you won’t benefit at all from this astro. If you want it, you have to go out and get it. The boost of confidence and good luck you get from this Aquarius season all but guarantees you’ll make your wish come true.


Aquarius season wants you to dive deep and go back to your roots. Turns out, there’s a lot from your past that you haven’t dealt with. Even though it’s buried deep in the hidden corners of your mind, it’s still having an impact on your present life. This is an emotionally heavy month, and you’ll be working hard to move past these issues—journaling, confiding in a loved one, going to therapy, or maybe even confronting an especially sh*tty person from the old days. Aquarius is all about freedom, and in order to relinquish the control the past has over you, you have to work through the baggage from the past.


It feels like everybody is trying to get ahold of you right now. Check your email, don’t leave your phone alone for too long, and make sure you’re available to connect with the people hitting you up. Major conversations are happening, big opportunities are finding their way to your inbox, and you are staying BUSY. This doesn’t apply to any specific areas of life, so you’re starting important work-related convos, enhancing your social life, adding tons of names to your contacts list, etc. Despite how much you’re running around, you're having fun the whole time!


You have an iron will, and you stick to your guns in pretty much every situation. Your morals and values are set in stone, and you follow your code of ethics to a T. But what if some of these values of yours are a little outdated? What if you’re following rules you set for yourself years ago, and those rules no longer serve you? Take a step back and take stock of your personal code; you’re likely to find that you should probably change your mind about a few things. Focus on who and what matters most to you right now, think about how you can nurture those parts of your life, and change your behavior accordingly.


Happy birthday! The Sun moving through your sign is a signal that this is the beginning of a new year-long cycle for you. What kind of work do you want to do? What sorts of relationships do you want to attract? How can you turn your house into a home, and live life more comfortably? Pick a goal, make a plan, and shoot your shot. The things you initiate now are guaranteed to have long lasting significance, so choose wisely! Think of this as your own personal, cosmically blessed New Year's resolution.


When the Sun is in the sign before yours, it symbolizes the completion of a cycle. You have a lot of leftovers from the past—dead-end jobs, crappy relationships, family baggage, all sorts of things—and they need to be taken care of before you can make any more progress in life. For the next month, you’re revisiting the past, spending lots of time alone, and doing a lot of inner work. That way, once Pisces season comes around, you’ll be able to live your best life!

Aquarius Season Is Here, and It's Time to Chill (1)

Jake Register

Jake Register (better known by his Instagram handle, @jakesastrology) is a Libra and the author of Cosmopolitan’s weekly Sexoscopes. He lives in southeastern North Carolina and loves making astrology content. Follow his IG or Twitter @jakesastrology, and to book a reading, go to

Aquarius Season Is Here, and It's Time to Chill (2024)


What to expect in Aquarius season? ›

And no matter your own zodiac sign, Aquarius season is all about shining bright, being yourself, and showing off all of you, even the parts that others might think are "weird" or "too much." I always say that Aquarius is one of the best cheerleaders of the zodiac: Aquarius will unapologetically be themselves, and they ...

What are the affirmations for Aquarius season? ›

Aquarius Affirmations:

I am a powerful manifestor. I am savvy, innovative, and resourceful. I am joyfully committed to channeling these strengths towards a higher purpose, and making a tangible difference in the world. I am determined to develop and fulfill my potential.

What is the energy of Aquarius season? ›

Like all air signs, Aquarius tends to be friendly and well-liked. Aquarius energy is also eccentric, though, which can rub some people (earth signs) the wrong way. In modern astrology, the sign's planetary ruler is Uranus, the planet of change and revolution.

How does Aquarius show love? ›

Talkative Aquarians likely have words of affirmation as their love language. Communicate your affection verbally and connect through deep conversations. Philanthropic Aquarians love to do good for others, but they might not take care of themselves enough.

What makes Aquarius happy? ›

There are few things that make Aquarius as happy as having the freedom and independence to explore their interests and passions. Humanitarians at heart, Aquarians are also incredibly passionate about fairness, and are happiest when they are making the world a better place for everyone, says Newman.

What is Aquarius' soulmate? ›

Aquarius' most compatible soulmates include fellow air signs Gemini and Libra. Both signs match Aquarius' open-mindedness and intellectual nature. Fire signs Sagittarius, Leo, and Aries are also extremely compatible with Aquarius. Their bold, adventurous nature is sure to capture Aquarius' heart.

What vibe do Aquarius give off? ›

People born under the Aquarius sign are said to be progressive, independent, intelligent, unique, and idealistic. Their elemental sign is air, the same as that for Gemini and Libra. Like air, Aquarians don't have a single, clear shape and seem to defy categorization.

What relaxes an Aquarius? ›

If stressful days do come around (because we can't stay cosmic prom queen forever), Aquarius needs to be around technology in order to unwind. Millers suggests VR, a virtual planetarium, or a telescope to look at the night sky. They get comfort from the cosmos, but in a more science-y way than spiritual Pisces.

Who attracts Aquarius? ›

Aquarius is often drawn to Leo, their astrological opposite. Leos wear their hearts on their sleeves, and they are able to show an Aquarius how to be more open and affectionate.

Why are Aquarius so chill? ›

Like Gemini and Libra, Aquarius is an air sign. The keyword when it comes to air signs is communication. And while they are great communicators—especially with each other—air signs also do a lot of thinking, and not necessarily out loud. According to Lanyadoo, Aquarians have a tendency to retreat into their own heads.

What is Aquarius energy color? ›

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

Power Color: Blue. As a water bearer, Aquarians bring knowledge to the world, and blue helps calm and center them as their thoughts spiral into a million different directions. Try using blue in the bedroom or laundry room as a calming shade.

What emotion is Aquarius? ›

Aquarians, ruled by Uranus, can keep their feelings hidden by being logical and detached. They may not get too emotional and prefer to stay objective. Others might find it hard to understand what Aquarians are really feeling because they seem calm, even in tough situations.

What makes an Aquarius mad? ›

Ruled by Saturn, Aquarians prefer doing things on their own terms. Their anger surfaces when they sense a threat to their freedom, leading to potential conflicts. To manage their temper, Aquarius individuals are advised to embrace change rather than resisting it.

Why is love hard for Aquarius? ›

Aquarius is an air sign that feels trapped by the needs of a relationship. They'd rather do their own thing than be accountable to someone. Your Aquarius might look panicked or scared if you start making plans or talking about the future. They simply don't want you to rely on them.

Why are Aquarius so attractive? ›

Attractive Aquarius traits

Aquarians are attractive because: They're ~one-offs~, and their eccentric and quirky ways are refreshing. Their brain simply runs on different tracks to everyone else's. They say what they think, and with great eloquence.

What to expect in the year of Aquarius? ›

Expect Massive Change

The Aquarian Age is a time of great complexity as our sense of personal identity and our very foundation shifts. Expect developments in all arenas, including scientific discoveries, technological advancements, and societal shifts.

What should Aquarius expect this year? ›

Aquarius, welcome to your 2024 horoscope. This year is about striking a balance in various aspects of your life, from personal relationships to career ambitions and self-care. The year begins with your ruling planet, Uranus, going direct on Saturday, January 27.

What is Aquarius most likely to do? ›

Aquarians are clever, analytical, technical, truthful, assertive, confident, progressive and innovative. They like to solve problems, improve what's already working well, and push boundaries. They are activists, campaigners and progressors of the causes they think will make a difference to the world.


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