Complete Manifestation Method Guide [18 Manifestation Techniques!] - What's Danny Doing (2024)

Complete Manifestation Method Guide [18 Manifestation Techniques!] - What's Danny Doing (1)

There’s something deeply appealing about the idea of manifestation.

I mean, thinking yourself into becoming a millionaire?

Yes please.

Believing your way to inner peace?

I’ll have that as well, thanks.

Talking yourself into meeting the love of your life?

Shut up and take my money!

…It all sounds too good to be true, right?

Yet you start learning more about it and everything seems to fit into a strangely logical place. Respected public figures (like Oprah Winfrey, Tony Robbins, and Jim Carrey) talk openly and positively about it too.

All things considered, I’d say, at the very least, manifestation seems worth experimenting with.

So that’s exactly what I’ve been doing over the last few weeks!

And, to try and help anyone else who’s in the same boat, I decided to compile this “manifestation method guide” that details a selection of the main manifestation techniques out there.

Give it a read, try the techniques, and let me know how you get on!

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What Is Manifestation?

But first, a definition:

In a nutshell, manifestation is the process of bringing something to fruition through the power of your thoughts and beliefs. Or, in other words:

Think about a particular outcome enough and it’ll (eventually) come true.

Now, many people talk about manifestation in super-spiritual terms…

It’s all about energy vibrations, interacting with a benevolent universe, and tapping into your birth-right.

But don’t worry if that all sounds a little whacky or OTT right now.

In my mind, the basic premise is what really matters. And, when you start breaking it down, manifestation seems like a reasonable, legitimate, and even logical concept.

Here’s how I see it:

  • You’re identifying what you want in and from life
  • You’re recognizing your current belief systems
  • You’re re-writing any negative internal scripts
  • You’re focusing your attention on meaningful positive outcomes
  • You’re committing to making them happen
  • You’re reminding yourself that you’re worthy
  • And you’re taking decisive action in line with your desires

Far from anything woo-woo or far-fetched, this combination of desire, belief, positive thinking, and action seems like a fool-proof formula for constructive changes!

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How to Manifest Something

Although many specific manifestation techniques help you on the way, the basic manifestation method can be broken down into 7 stages:

  1. Clarify what you want
  2. Ask the universe for what you want
  3. Take action in line with what you want
  4. Be patient; trust the process
  5. Take note of and be grateful for whatever comes your way
  6. Remove negativity and resistance from your life and thinking
  7. Boost your vibrations (i.e. put good into the universe to receive good from it)

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18 of the Best Manifestation Techniques

With the basic method behind us, let’s turn to the specific manifestation techniques that people in this world recommend.

As you’ll see, many of them align with tried-and-tested methods in psychology and personal development, which gives me further confidence in this whole Law of Attraction shebang!

In no particular order, then, here are 18 effective manifesting techniques to experiment with at your leisure:

1. Visualization

Visualization’s a powerful manifestation method that involves projecting yourself into the future and imagining, in vivid detail, a certain desired outcome.

For example:

  • Athletes might visualize themselves crossing the finish line first.
  • Boxers might visualize themselves knocking out their opponent.
  • Professors might visualize themselves delivering an amazing lecture.
  • People who want to be fitter and stronger might visualize themselves lifting a heavyweight or running a particular distance.
  • You might visualize yourself living your dream life- whatever that involves.

Whatever the case, the goal is to immerse yourself in the activity or event. You picture where you’ll be, what you’ll be doing, and how the situation will unfold.

The secret to success with visualization (as with all manifestation methods) is to emotionalize at the same time though.

For instance, at university, I used to visualise passing with 1st-class honours.

I’d imagine attending the award ceremony, and hear my name being called with “first-class honours” after it. I’d picture myself walking across the stage, shaking hands with the dean, and returning to my seat to the sound of applause.

It was a powerful image in my mind’s eye.

But the real oomph behind it was how it made me feel.

Attached to that image was a deep, gratifying sense of pride and achievement.

By the time I walked across that stage in real life (having received a first!), I’d already been there and done it a thousand times.

2. Vision Boards

Vision boards (sometimes called dream boards) take visualization to the next level.

This time, you take the image(s) from inside your head and stick them on the wall!

Imagine a notice board where you’ve stuck anything and everything that reminds you of your deepest dreams and desires.

You might have inspirational quotes, clippings from magazines and newspapers, vacation photos, and anything else that resonates with the future you’re hoping to attain one day.

Visions boards make a positive difference in two ways:

  • First, the actual process of creating them helps strengthen your commitment to achieving your goals.
  • Second, you end up with a visual reminder of what you want from life, which you look at every single day.

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3. Give More!

A central premise in the Law of Attraction (LOA) is that “like attracts like”.

The theory goes that everything and everyone has a vibration they put into the universe. People and objects with similar vibrations attract each other.

Good, positive things have a high vibration.

Bad, negative things have a low vibration.

So, to get what we want from life (courtesy of manifestation), we have to think, feel, and act in positive ways that increase our vibrational frequencies.

Once again, some people may find this a bit too wacky or woo-woo.

And, once again, I don’t think you really need to pay attention to it!

Here’s why:

The underlying idea is that positivity leads to positivity, which seems like a factual part of life.

I mean, if I give you a compliment, you’re more likely to invite me to your party; if I give you a birthday present, you’re more likely to reciprocate.

You see?

Do good, receive good. Or, in LOA terminology, like attracts like.

Why am I going on about all this?

Because one of the most effective ways to increase your vibration (and increase your chances of enjoying the fruits of manifestation as a result) is to give more; to share and be generous.

Whether it’s time, money, good deeds, or emotional energy, the more you give, the more you’ll receive in return.

4. Cultivate a Positive Social Network

There’s a famous personal development quote from Jim Rohn that goes:

“You’re the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with.”

In other words, hanging around with happy, inspiring, supportive, positive, and high-energy individuals will turn you into something similar!

Vice versa, spending your days with negative, depressing, jealous, and resentful people will cause such traits to arise in you too.

Want to welcome joy, success, and positive outcomes into your life?

It’s important to align yourself with people who embody those kinds of things.

Don’t worry if you don’t know any high-flying, super ambitious go-getters either.

The internet’s full of them! Watching their videos, reading their books, and consuming whatever content of theirs you can find is a great place to start.

5. Positive Affirmations

Soldiers have their rifles.

Surgeons have their scalpels.

Writers have their keyboards.

…And people who want to manifest positive outcomes have their affirmations!

The lifeblood of any manifestation method, positive affirmations are simple statements that affirm something you want to be and/or achieve.

For instance:

  • “I am enough”
  • “Money flows to me easily”
  • “Self-confidence drips from the core of my being”
  • “I believe the universe is benevolent and will work in my favour”

By writing these affirmations down and/or saying them over and over again, you effectively reprogram the negative subconscious messages that so often govern our relationship with the world and the results that come our way thereafter.

In the process, you create new, powerful neural pathways that change how you think, feel, and act.

Ultimately, affirmations are fuel for manifesting change in your life.

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6. Focus Wheels

Think about something you’re desperate to achieve or attract.

Now write it down on a sheet of paper and draw a circle around it!

Next, jot down a series of related positive statements/affirmations around the outside of that circle. For example:

Let’s say my goal’s to get a raise at work.

I might write things like “I’m deserving of more money”, “Finding ways to excel at work is easy”, and “I’m a confident and high-achieving employee”.

I’d then refer back to those positive affirmations throughout the day and read them aloud (multiple times in a row) before saying the central goal to myself.

I’ll start feeling more confident about asking for a raise in the process.

7. The 2-Cup Manifestation Method

There’s a famous piece of research by Dr. Masaru Emoto that suggests what we say to water impacts its molecular structure.

Positive, uplifting messages (e.g. “Thank you” or “Harmony”) lead to balanced, well-formed, and attractive-looking crystals when the water was frozen and analysed under a microscope.

Negative, hateful messages (e.g. “Evil” or “You disgust me”) created ugly, misshapen, and irregular crystals.

The apparent conclusion?

What we say to ourselves and each other makes an almighty difference.

And that’s where the 2-cup manifestation technique comes in.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Grab two ordinary cups/glasses and two post-it notes.
  2. On one note, write your goals and positive affirmations; on the other, write down your current situation.
  3. Then stick each note on its own glass.
  4. Next, fill the “current situation cup” with water before transferring it into the “positive manifestation cup”.
  5. The last step? Drink the water!

The idea/hope is that all the positive energy you charged that water with will jump over to you!

8. Gratitude

Here’s a quick yet powerful manifesting technique to practice on a daily basis:

Find and express gratitude.

Immerse yourself in it! Meditate on it! Roll it around your tongue like a fine wine.

Why? Because it:

  • Feels amazing,
  • Is almost impossible to feel truly grateful and harbour negative emotions at the same time, and
  • Is said to raise your vibrational frequency.

Whether you believe that last bit or not, getting into a daily habit of being grateful for things will have all sorts of positive effects on your life.

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9. Scripting Manifestation

Think about all the things you’d like to manifest in your life.

Now imagine your ideal day, as if those manifestations have already come to fruition.

And then write it all down!

That, in short, is the scripting manifestation method.

Write a journal entry for your dream day, every day, and it’s only a matter of time before you experience it in real life.

Try to keep the specific thing(s) you’re trying to manifest in mind, and be as detailed as possible too.

Treat it like an actual journal entry, where you talk about what you did from start to finish, what you ate/drank, and how you felt.

10. Manifestation Journal

Journaling’s another technique I hear talked about a lot in the world of psychology/therapy and personal development.

So it’s cool that it’s a recommended manifestation method as well!

Whether you’re trying to manifest something or not, I find putting pen to paper and translating thought to the written word to be incredibly meditative. You take the time to stop, think, and process whatever’s going on in your mind.

When it comes it manifesting, though, the general idea is to write down whatever it is you’re trying to welcome into your life.

I’ll go into specifics in later techniques, but that’s the gist of it!

Of course, you could also combine your manifestation journal with the scripting techniques above; writing your ideal days in this one place. Likewise, why not journal the things you’re grateful for each day?

Do either of those and you’ll be vibrating at higher frequencies in no time.

11. Manifestation Box

I think of the manifestation box method as a 3-dimensional version of the vision boards I mentioned earlier.

Basically, you grab/make a box of some kind (it doesn’t have to be anything fancy- a shoebox would do!), decorate the outside if you wish, and then fill it with things that represent whatever you want to manifest.

Objects, messages, crystals, photos, foods…you name it, they can all go in.

By placing the items inside your box that you wish to manifest, the universe is meant to take note and deliver them to you in real life!

It sounds too good to be true, but people swear by them on the internet.

And even if the manifestation box doesn’t provide “instant returns”, per se, the true value of it may run deeper anyway.

Basically, placing these trinkets inside can help you release any resistance you might have about manifesting your dream life! And that, in turn, makes it more likely you’ll enjoy them in the future.

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12. Manifestation Meditation

Meditation goes hand in hand with manifestation.

After all, it quietens the monkey mind and provides space, in the present moment, to identify your deepest desires, thoughts, and feelings.

You can also meditate on the specific things you want to manifest, be it self-confidence, love, or money. Likewise, why not meditate on everything you’re grateful for in life?

All told, it enables us to truly sink into what it’d be like to live in a particular way, achieve a certain goal, or be a certain person. It helps us visualize, emotionalize, and feel a deep sense of peace.

Oh, and it’s also said to raise those all-important vibration levels!

13. “As If” Manifestation Method

“Fake it ‘til you make it” is a pretty good maxim to describe the “as if” manifestation method. Why?

Because that’s literally what it tells you to do!

You live your life as if you’ve already achieved what you set out to or become who you wish to be.

It could be lightyears away in reality.

But that’s not the point.

By pretending you’ve ticked a particular affirmatory box, you can speed up the process of actually making it happen. You change how you think, which changes how you act, which then brings about real changes in your life.

14. 369 Manifestation Method

Remember that manifestation journal I talked about above? Well, it’s going to come in handy for the coming quick-fire manifestation techniques!

Let’s start with the 3 6 9 manifestation method, which has (apparently) been doing the rounds on TikTok recently.

First, why the number 369?

Because (according to certain Law of Attraction aficionados) all three respective numbers hold “divine power”.

I’ll admit, I get a bit lost here and don’t fully understand why they’re so powerful.

…But that’s almost beside the point.

There’s a helluva lot I don’t understand, so I’ll just add this one to the pile!

Anyway, the numbers are important, which comes in handy for your manifestations. The actual technique for harnessing that power is straight-forward:

  • You pick an affirmation.
  • You write it down in your journal (or anywhere, really) 3 times in the morning.
  • You write it down another 6 times in the afternoon.
  • And you write it down a final 9 times before the day’s end.

Repeat that process for as many days as you wish!

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15. 777 Manifestation

Sometimes referred to as the 77×7, 7x7x7, or 7×77 method, the 777 technique is one of the simplest, shortest, and easiest on this list.

In other words, it’s great if you want to manifest something in a hurry.

Here’s how it works:

For 7 consecutive days, you write a selected affirmation down 7 times in the morning and another 7 times in the evening!

I guess you could say the affirmation out loud too.

But writing it out’s meant to be more effective. Likewise, think about combining it with a visualization to really feel the change you’re trying to create.

16. 5×55 Manifestation Technique

The 5×55 manifestation technique bears resemblance to the 777 method above.

This time, though, you write out your affirmation 55 times on 5 consecutive days!

By writing it down so many times, it should pierce your subconscious and cause a shift in how you think, feel, and act.

Once again, combine it with visualization and emotionalizing to get the best bang for your manifesting buck.

17. 3×33

Got less time (or patience) to play with?

Try the 3×33 method instead.

…You can probably guess what’s involved!

That’s right: writing your affirmation 33 times on 3 consecutive days.

18. 17 Seconds

According to Abraham Hicks (who, from what I understand, is basically the founder of what we know as the Law of Attraction), 17 seconds is all it takes to tickle a manifestation into taking place.

And that’s good news for the truly time-poor people in the world.

I mean, we’ve all got a spare 17 seconds, right?

Hold your affirmation/thought in mind for 17 entire seconds (avoid contradictions and doubts as much as possible) and the universe will take note.

To really get yourself in its good books, though, try doing 4 sets of 17 seconds for a total of 68 seconds.

Time to Try the Best Manifesting Methods

Hooked on the idea of manifestation and looking for new ways to make it work for you? Well, I hope this post has helped!

Whether you use one, two, or all of the manifestation techniques above, they should, with a bit of help from the universe, make a difference in your journey.

Remember, though, the real secret to manifesting success still comes down to taking action. As Jim Carrey once said: “You can’t just visualize then go eat a sandwich”!

In other words, we still have to do the work.

So, remember the manifestation method ideas in this post, experiment with those that seem right for you, and use the self-confidence they deliver to pursue your dreams with newfound gusto!

Before you go, though, I’d love to hear from you. Which of these manifestation methods do you plan to try first?

Drop a comment to let me know!

Complete Manifestation Method Guide [18 Manifestation Techniques!] - What's Danny Doing (2024)


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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

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Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.