Manifestation Methods: The 15 Best Ways to Reach Your Goals (2024)

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1Visualization or meditation

2Pillow method

3Vision board

4Gratitude journal

5Manifestation journal

6Letter from your future self

7Positive affirmations

8Trying new things

9Assuming you’ve already got what you want

10369 method

112 cup method

1255 x 5 method

13Whisper method

14“O” method

15Taking action

What Are Good Manifestation Practices For Beginners?

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Co-authored byJennifer McVey, Chtand Dan Hickey

Last Updated: March 11, 2024Fact Checked

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You’re ready to give manifesting a try, but where do you begin? There’s no one way to manifest something, and you sure have a lot of options when it comes to making your dreams come to life. Whether you’re a first-time manifester or just looking for new techniques to speed up your success, the internet and social media are abuzz with different ways to attract what you want. That’s why we’ve compiled the best manifestation methods into one place, including classic practices like vision boards and exciting new trends like the 369 method. Read on to find your new favorite way to manifest!

Things You Should Know

  • Use visualization and journaling to get super clear on what your goal is. The more detailed your vision, the easier it will be to manifest.
  • Try the 369 method. Just write down your desire 3 times when you wake up, 6 times in the afternoon, and 9 times before bed.
  • Open yourself up to opportunities by getting out of your comfort zone and trying new things. You never know when or where you might stumble upon success.


Visualization or meditation

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  1. Visualization trains you to focus on what matters to you in detail. First, write out your goal, ideal future, or intention with specifics involving all 5 senses. Imagine the emotions attached to your success—what does it feel like to have what you want? Then, get comfortable in a quiet spot, close your eyes, and let yourself see your future.[1]

    • Visualize every single detail of your dream. If you’re manifesting a new car, for example, imagine the make, model, and color. What does it feel like to sit in the driver’s seat? To look out the window while you drive?
    • Try to visualize twice a day for a total of about 10 minutes. Visualizing or meditating in front of a vision board is a great way to guide your focus.
    • Visualize at any time of the day. For most people, the best times are when they first wake up and right before they go to sleep.
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Pillow method

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  1. Sleeping with your written wish puts your subconscious to work overnight. Build some quiet time to reflect or meditate into your nightly bedtime routine. When your mind is clear, focus on your intention (your goal or your ideal future) and picture it as clearly as possible for several minutes. Then, write out your goal on a sheet of paper (details and all), fold it up, and sleep with it under your pillow.[2]

    • During the night, your mind will keep reflecting on your goal, and you’ll wake up with fresh energy and motivation to achieve it.
    • The symbolic act of writing your wish out on paper helps align your goal with the concept of creating something.
    • Try journaling about your goal, reciting affirmations, or looking at a vision board to help you visualize it if you’re struggling to see a clear picture of your future.


Vision board

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  1. Vision boards help you picture your future and inspire you to create. A vision board is a collection of images or objects to help you manifest your goals. To make one, gather some poster paper or a corkboard, plus some tacks, glue, or string to attach your images. Then, clarify your vision—what exactly do you want your future to look like?[3]

    • Find some images related to your vision. Choose things like photos of people you admire, news article headlines in your field of study, or magazine cutouts of the lifestyle you want.
    • For example, if you’re manifesting a better apartment, try pictures of the dishwasher you wish you had, a copy of your dream floor plan, or even some leaves or grass if you want to be near a park or nature reserve.
    • Arrange your images on the board, then place it where you’ll see it at least once every day, like your office, bedroom, or living room.
    • Whenever you pass your vision board, take a minute to reflect on your goals, plan your next steps, or journal about your progress.
    • Vision boards can be physical or digital, but a physical board is more effective because you built it yourself.
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Gratitude journal

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  1. Gratitude raises your vibrations and the positive energy you give off. Set aside some time to journal—about 15 minutes per day for 3 or more days a week is plenty. When you journal, list 5 things you’re grateful for. They can be small (“The weather was so nice today”) or big (“I got accepted to law school”). There’s nothing too small to be grateful for.[4]

    • Get as specific and personal as you can with your list. If you’re grateful for the weather, describe how it made you feel or how it improved your day, for example.
    • Handwrite your list—the act of creation is very helpful for manifesting.


Manifestation journal

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  1. Manifest journaling reinforces your future-minded thinking. Before journaling, take a moment to visualize yourself achieving your goal. Then, pretend you’ve accomplished it and write your journal entry in the present tense, as if you’re already living your dreams. Write about what it feels like to succeed and what your life is like in as much detail as possible.[5]

    • Try to journal for about 15 minutes at a time, a few times throughout the week.
    • Keep a separate manifestation journal that's only for your visions and handwrite your entries instead of keeping a digital journal.
    • This technique is called future scripting and helps your subconscious get familiar with what it feels like to get what you want. It makes your dreams feel like reality, making it less scary to pursue them.
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Letter from your future self

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  1. This exercise helps you embody your future success, today. Imagine yourself decades in the future, living your dream life. Grab a pen and paper and write a letter from your future self to your current self recounting how you got there. Resist the urge to edit yourself and talk about anything that will help you achieve your goals. Write in the past tense, as if these things already happened.[6]

    • Include lofty aspirations and big accomplishments as well as small wins. Be as specific as possible (“I won the orchestra audition” is unhelpful compared to “I spent weeks preparing for the audition and taking care of my mental health so I could compete to my best ability.”).
    • Repeat this exercise whenever you feel stuck or need a morale boost as you work on manifesting your goal.


Positive affirmations

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  1. Affirmations replace negative thoughts with helpful ones. Choose several short phrases that resonate with you—affirmations that target and rebuke your negative self-talk are the most effective. Try writing your own or using examples from online to get started, then repeat them aloud or write them down for about 5 minutes a day (preferably at the same time each day).[7]

    • When in doubt, say "I am a powerful creator" as an affirmation to stay positive.
    • Positive affirmations disrupt negative thought patterns, boost your self-esteem, and inspire you to take action to meet your goals—all important things for manifestation!
    • Some other example affirmations could be:
      • “I am confident, happy, healthy, and powerful.”
      • “Today is a great day to be alive.”
      • “I love the person I am becoming.”
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Trying new things

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  1. Getting out of your comfort zone opens you up to new opportunities. Write down a list of things that you’ve never done or are nervous to try—they can be anything from a new hairstyle to opening your own small business. Then, reflect on why you’ve never done these things. Social pressure? A belief you aren’t good enough? Fear of failure?[8]

    • Once you’ve identified where your self-limiting beliefs come from, set some small goals to challenge them and prove to yourself you’re capable of anything you put your mind to.
    • For example, say you want to manifest being a comedian, but you’re uncomfortable talking to strangers. Set a goal to strike up small talk with one stranger per week and celebrate your success. If you can do this, you can manifest your bigger goals, too.


Assuming you’ve already got what you want

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  1. Assumption helps you stop worrying about the timing of your goals. When you fixate on timing, you put negative energy into the universe, which slows down your manifestation. To counter this, simply “walk the walk” and think and act like you already have what you want—by believing it, you will achieve it.[9]

    • Trust that the universe will give you what you want at the best possible time. If you get frustrated, repeat the mantra, “Universe, I step back and let you lead the way.”
    • This technique is also known as using the Law of Assumption, which says that you’ll get what you want by believing it already exists in your life. It's the ultimate version of the old saying, “fake it ‘til you make it.”
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369 method

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  1. This method sharpens your intentions and help you embody your future. When you first wake up, write down what you’re trying to manifest 3 times, in detail. In the afternoon, write it down 6 times, then write it down another 9 times right before bed. Consistency is key—by handwriting your intention over and over, you’re letting the universe know you’re ready for success.[10]

    • The 369 method is based on numerology:
      • The number 3 is associated with our connection to the universe.
      • The number 6 reflects our inner power and strength.
      • The number 9 symbolizes the cycle of growth, change, and overcoming obstacles.


2 cup method

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  1. This ritual shifts your mindset to one of abundance and positivity. First, gather 2 cups, 2 labels, and something to write with. Write out your current reality on one label (“I’m unhappy in my job”) and your desired reality on the other (“I’m working for myself and doing what I love”), then put the labels on the cups. Fill your “current reality” cup with water.[11]

    • Take a few moments to meditate or visualize your desired reality, then pour the water from your current cup into your future cup.
    • Drink the water from your future cup and tell yourself you’re cutting ties with your old life to complete the ceremony.
    • You only need to do this ritual once. Once it’s complete, you’re officially inhabiting your new reality.
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55 x 5 method

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  1. This method uses affirmations to change your mindset in just 5 days. Choose one affirmation that targets the negative thought you want to get rid of or that reassures you you’re capable of success. Then, repeat that affirmation 55 times a day for 5 consecutive days. By the end, your self-confidence and motivation to succeed will be stronger.[12]

    • Speak the affirmations out loud, or write them down if you prefer. If possible, repeat your affirmations around the same time each day.
    • After you repeat your affirmations, let go of your expectations and go on with your day. Fretting about how fast the ritual works will only hinder your progress.


Whisper method

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  1. This practice comes in handy for manifesting love or friendship. First, get super clear on what you’re manifesting—is it a future relationship with someone you haven’t met yet? Is it a date with a specific person you already know? Visualize that person in clear detail (this is easy if you know the person already. If not, imagine your ideal traits in a partner). Then, imagine yourself whispering a message into their ear.[13]

    • Make your whispered message short and clear. For example, if you want someone to ask you to prom, you might whisper “Take me as your date to the dance next week.”
    • If you’re manifesting a relationship but haven’t met your future partner yet, whisper something like “Find me and whisk me away on a date.”
    • Visualize the person agreeing to your message, then carry on with your day as if you’ve already achieved your relationship.
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“O” method

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  1. The “O” method uses the spiritual power of an org*sm for manifesting. org*sms are mentally and emotionally stimulating, and put you in a state of bliss you can channel into your visualization. To use this method, bring yourself to the point of org*sm (we’ll leave exactly how and with who you do that up to you), and as you’re climaxing, visualize exactly what you want as if it’s already yours.[14]

    • Some believe org*sms are a portal of creation since they’re associated with the conception of life. Creation is a key part of manifestation, which is why this method has gained traction in recent years.
    • The “O” method works by yourself or with a partner.


Taking action

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  1. The key to manifesting a goal is creating a plan to make it happen. Your goals and dreams are just ideas until you put them into action. Think about what you want, then break it down into smaller substeps (like stepping stones to your ultimate desire). Set smaller goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant to your desires, and time-bound to get your progress started.[15] For example:

    • Say you want to publish your first novel. One of your sub-goals might include connecting with a publisher:
      • Make it specific: “I want to work with a reputable publisher who believes in my novel.”
      • Make it measurable: “I will expand my network of publishers from the 3 I know now to 10 or more.”
      • Make it attainable: “I’ll add at least 1 new publisher to my network per month by reaching out to my contacts and researching local and national publishing houses.”
      • Make sure it’s relevant: “To find 1 new publisher per month, I’ll set aside 5 hours of research and outreach time per week.”
      • Give yourself a deadline: “I will confirm a publisher who’s committed to my work by the end of the year.”
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What Are Good Manifestation Practices For Beginners?

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      • If a method isn’t working, revisit your intention. Was it specific enough? Has your goal or desire changed since you began manifesting? Then, tweak your goal and resume manifesting.


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      • If a method isn’t working, revisit your intention. Was it specific enough? Has your goal or desire changed since you began manifesting? Then, tweak your goal and resume manifesting.


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      About This Article

      Manifestation Methods: The 15 Best Ways to Reach Your Goals (49)

      Co-authored by:

      Jennifer McVey, Cht

      Spiritual Director

      This article was co-authored by Jennifer McVey, Cht and by wikiHow staff writer, Dan Hickey. Jennifer McVey is a Spiritualist, Seer, and the Spiritual Director of Spiritual Answers and Solutions. With more than 22 years of experience, she specializes in manifesting, ghosts and spirit attachments, hypnotherapy, channeling, and spiritually based life coaching. Jennifer has also published 13 Affirmation Image and six Word Search Puzzle books in spirituality and self-help and has produced over 600 audio sessions. This article has been viewed 6,803 times.

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      Updated: March 11, 2024


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      Manifestation Methods: The 15 Best Ways to Reach Your Goals (2024)


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      Author: Kieth Sipes

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      Name: Kieth Sipes

      Birthday: 2001-04-14

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      Job: District Sales Analyst

      Hobby: Digital arts, Dance, Ghost hunting, Worldbuilding, Kayaking, Table tennis, 3D printing

      Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.