Fermented Carrots Recipe (2024)

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This fermented carrots recipe is a delicious way to eat probiotics. The classic carrot flavor and crunch you love, plus a little bit of sour tang that fermentation brings. The process couldn’t be any easier, and the results are a gut healthy, probiotic rich superfood.

Fermented Carrots Recipe (1)Fermented Vegetables

Fermented vegetables are the perfect addition to any simple meal. All the prep work is done ahead of time, so when the meal is ready they can go straight from the fridge to the table.

That’s one less side dish to worry about. And you can almost always find some kind of vegetable or culture fermenting away on our counter.

Although you may think the process is cumbersome, it is actually a very simple equation of salt + liquid + time = crunchy, delicious, probiotic-rich superfood.

Sure, there are a lot of fancy ways to do it with elaborate equipment and starter cultures, but the basic premise isn’t complicated at all.

Create a brine with salt. Submerge veggies. Give it a little time, and the natural process of fermentation occurs.

Virtually any vegetable can be fermented.

But this fermented carrot recipe is one of our favorites.

Fermented Vegetables can be an easy addition to your regular kitchen routine

Once you start getting comfortable with fermenting, you can play around with different flavors and combinations.

Cucumbers with peppercorns, garlic, and dill, or perhaps my sister’s favorite: carrots, cabbage, and ginger.

The possibilities are as endless as your imagination.

Fermented Carrots Recipe (2)

Salt Prevents Harmful Bacteria Growth

Salt is a special little mineral that prevents the growth of harmful bacteria. When ferments are submerged in a salty brine, the good bacteria present on the fresh vegetables, namely Lactobacillus, can proliferate and grow uninhibited by bad bacteria.

It also keeps the veggies crisp and adds flavor.

Benefits Of Fermented Foods:

Eating fermented foods is a super healthy way to increase your probiotic intake. Not only are you getting a serving of vegetables, but since they have been fermented, they now contain live probiotics. Probiotics help improve healthy gut bacteria.

Having healthy gut bacteria has been shown to help a variety of things: from boosting your immune system to decreasing inflammation – and it may even help decrease certain diseases. (source)

Tips For Making Fermented Carrots:

  • Slice carrots into long strips to make them easy to remove from the jar.
  • Make a big batch at one time and then you can enjoy them for months. They make such a great snack or side.
  • Add your favorite flavorings to spice them up. We love to add garlic, dill, mustard seed, and some peppercorns to give them a classic pickle taste.
  • The carrots need to be submerged in the salt water brine to prevent mold or spoilage; I love using the glass weights linked below.
  • If your family members are skeptical about fermented carrots, try serving them with some Homemade Kefir Ranch. Double probiotic punch.

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Tools you will need:

Fermentation lids

Fermentation weights – I love these glass weights.

Jars – you can use any size of wide mouth jar. Since we have a big family and go through a lot of ferments, I usually use 1/2 gallon mason jars.


Filtered water- I love my Berkey Water Filter


Cutting board

How to Make Fermented Carrots: Ingredients

1 pound of whole carrots

4 tablespoons salt

Filtered Water

How to Make Fermented Carrots: Instructions

    1. Bring 2 cups of water to a light simmer on stove. Remove from the heat and stir in the salt, until dissolved.
    2. Add the salt water to a half gallon glass mason jar. Fill the jar the rest of the way with filtered water.Fermented Carrots Recipe (3)
    3. Slice the carrots into long thin sticks. Put them in another half gallon mason jar.
    4. Pour the prepared brine over them until they are fully submerged. Leave one to two inches headspace.

Fermented Carrots Recipe (4)

  1. Add some kind of fermenting weight to keep the carrots underneath the liquid. This could be a folded up cabbage leaf or a rock in a ziplock bag. If you plan to ferment often, I really like these glass weights specifically made for fermenting.Fermented Carrots Recipe (5)
  2. Cover with fermenting lid, a loose lid, or a tea towel and rubber band.
  3. Allow the carrots to sit in an undisturbed place for 2-10 days. The amount of time will depend on the temperature in the house and your preferences. You can give the veggies a little taste each day to see if the desired taste and texture is reached.
  4. Once the carrots are done fermenting, cover them with a tight lid and move the jar to the refrigerator.Fermented Carrots Recipe (6)

How Long Do Fermented Carrots Last?

Most fermented vegetables will stay in the fridge for 3-5 months. If you see any mold, or it smells ‘off’, then pitch it.

How much salt to do you need to ferment carrots?

4 tablespoons of salt dissolved in 1/2 gallon will create the perfect brine to ferment carrots in.

What do fermented carrots taste like?

They have a traditional carrot flavor with the addition of a salty, tangy, and slightly sour kick. You can also give them a more classic pickle flavor by adding pickling spices like garlic, onion, and dill.

Other fermented vegetable recipes from our farmhouse kitchen:

  • Fermented Cucumbers- The Easiest Way to Make Homemade Pickles
  • Homemade Cabbage- How to Make Homemade Sauerkraut
  • Homemade Kimchi
  • Lacto Fermented Salsa Recipe
  • How To Make Fermented Jalapeños

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Fermented Carrots Recipe (7)

Fermented Carrots

Learn how to make fermented carrots with just a few simple steps and ingredients. The process couldn't be any easier, and the results are a gut healthy, probiotic rich superfood.

4.60 from 93 votes

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Prep Time: 15 minutes minutes

Additional Time: 10 days days

Total Time: 10 days days 15 minutes minutes

Servings: 8

Author: Lisa


  • 1 pound whole carrots
  • 4 tablespoons salt


  • Bring 2 cups of water to a light simmer. Remove it from the heat and stir in the salt, until dissolved.

  • Add the salt water to a half gallon glass mason jar. Fill the jar the rest of the way with filtered water.

  • Slice the carrots into long thin sticks. Put them in another half gallon mason jar, and pour the prepared brine over them until they are fully submerged. Leave one to two inches headspace.

  • Add some kind of fermenting weight to keep the carrots underneath the liquid. This could be a folded up cabbage leaf or a rock in a ziplock bag. If you plan to ferment often, you could even buy weights specifically made for fermenting.

  • Cover with a loose lid, or a tea towel and rubber band.

  • Allow the carrots to sit in an undisturbed place for 2-10 days. The amount of time will depend on the temperature in the house and your preferences. You can give the veggies a little taste each day to see if the desired taste and texture is reached.

  • Once the carrots are done fermenting, cover them with a tight lid and move the jar to the refrigerator.


  • Most fermented vegetables will stay in the fridge for 3-5 months. If you see any mold, or it smells ‘off’, then pitch it.


Calories: 23kcal | Carbohydrates: 5g | Protein: 1g | Fat: 0.1g | Saturated Fat: 0.02g | Polyunsaturated Fat: 0.1g | Monounsaturated Fat: 0.01g | Sodium: 3527mg | Potassium: 182mg | Fiber: 2g | Sugar: 3g | Vitamin A: 9472IU | Vitamin C: 3mg | Calcium: 21mg | Iron: 0.2mg

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Fermented Carrots Recipe (8)

Fermented Carrots Recipe (2024)


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