General Hospital Spoilers March 20 – 31 (2024) has the latest, new General Hospital spoilers for two weeks ahead from Monday, March 20, to Friday, March 31. The town of Port Charles gathers to honor Epiphany as the soap honors the late Sonya Eddy. Elsewhere, Lucy goes into panic mode, Ava faces someone who is definitely not a fan, and the absolutely unthinkable happens when Carly and Nina find themselves on the same page!

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General Hospital spoilers week of March 20:

General Hospital spoilers for Monday, March 20:

Today on General Hospital, Dex decides between staying loyal to Sonny or Michael, while Valentin, Anna and Lucy are spotted alive by several people.

General Hospital Spoilers March 20 – 31 (2)

Hey, just because two people are in love and very much enjoy one another’s company doesn’t mean they can’t occasionally see things from different perspectives… which is what Valentin and Anna are about to prove!

Lucy is nothing if not impulsive. But when she makes a daring move, will she wind up putting herself and others in danger?

Sonny may find himself having to decide between two not-so-great options.

After everything Willow’s been through of late, we have to think that whatever it is she requests will surely be granted, right? I mean, who could say no to her at this point? And does this request have anything to do with the conversation Michael winds up having with Brook Lynn?

Kirsten Storms isn’t afraid to call it like she sees it and reveals “my nerdiest moment” — and her happy place at the studio.

General Hospital spoilers for Tuesday March 21:

Today on General Hospital, Valentin asks for Drew’s help, Michael warns Joss and Dex, Anna convinces Lucy to return to the safehouse, and Willow helps Chase see things differently.

General Hospital Spoilers March 20 – 31 (3)

Chicago Fire Showdown! Stella’s next move will determine if she lives or dies — Plus, will Carver an Seager’s romance be revealed? And a Young & Restless guest star!

Chase and Willow have gone from friends to lovers to husband and wife and back again. In other words, she knows him pretty well and is likely to offer pretty solid advice. But will he listen?

Maxie’s the kind of gal who is always there when a friend needs a hand. But who will she be helping today?

Drew thinks he might have the knowledge to help someone out, assuming they’ll listen to his expert opinion.

Dante has a few concerns. Fortunately, he’s not the type to sit on them, so he raises the red flag.

Michael is in for a pretty big shock!

Alum Scott Clifton revealed his terrible fear — and who protected him when he needed it most — plus, watch what happened when “things got a little weird” in his garage.

General Hospital spoilers for Wednesday, March 22:

Today on General Hospital, Esme is released from Spring Ridge and finds a new home, Curtis leaves Portia with little hope for their future, and Chase is once again disappointed in Brook Lynn.

General Hospital Spoilers March 20 – 31 (4)

We don’t even want to think about what it might mean! Chicago PD’s Jesse Lee Soffer drops a warning as he’s put on the spot over Halstead leaving Upton.

Elizabeth might just pace a hole in the carpet as she anxiously awaits a bit of news.

Will Jordan provide Nina the answers she seeks?

Ever since things went wonky at Curtis and Portia’s wedding, he and Trina have found themselves dealing with one awkward run-in after another. Today will be no different!

Esme has to do some serious thinking about the options which lay before her. Will she ultimately make the best decision… and if so, for whom?

Brook Lynn has to lay all her cards on the table.

The wait is over and this Sunday the Hallmark Channel premieres its new rodeo series Ride. Get a preview of what’s ahead as tragedy strikes the renowned McMurray family — plus, get to know the cast, which includes a past soap favorite!

General Hospital spoilers for Thursday, March 23:

Today on General Hospital, Elizabeth learns her fate as a nurse at the hospital, Trina has a warning for Spencer about the new Esme, and Gregory confesses to Alexis that he’s sick.

General Hospital Spoilers March 20 – 31 (5)

Maxie approaches Cody with an offer he probably shouldn’t refuse. Of course, that doesn’t mean he won’t. (Let’s face it… the boy hasn’t always made the best decisions since showing up in Port Charles!)

Sasha has a surprise for Gladys.

What’s got Alexis so shaken up?

After all the support Portia offered to Marshall, it’s probably not surprising that he’s now serving as her biggest cheerleader.

When Trina needs a bit of reassurance, Spencer is there to provide it.

General Hospital spoilers for Friday, March 24:

Today on General Hospital, Eileen delivers the fake necklace to Victor, Laura attempts to secure Esme’s trust, Marshall and Trina have a heart-to-heart about Spencer, and someone makes a break for it.

General Hospital Spoilers March 20 – 31 (6)

Esme can’t help but think that if something seems too good to be true, it probably is.

Sonny leaves no question as to exactly where he stands.

Spencer tries to figure out what his best strategy might be in moving forward.

Laura receives a visit from just about the last person she wants to see. (Anybody else suspect Cyrus might darken her doorstep again?)

Cameron runs into Josslyn. Hopefully, this time it won’t be in the presence of a half-dressed Dex, cause the last time that happened the whole thing was awkward as… well, you know.

Get your first look at Michael Blake Kruse’s (ex-Rory) precious newborn: “You are pure love.”

General Hospital spoilers week of March 27:

General Hospital spoilers for Monday, March 27:

Thanks to her friendship with Ava, Trina’s become pretty good at dealing with different personalities. But today’s attempt to run interference could be a real challenge! Meanwhile, Spencer is downright flabbergasted… but by what?

Although Laura and Liz love each other deeply, their heart-to-heart today could get a little awkward given some recent events concerning Nikolas.

Dex takes time from his busy schedule of plotting to bring down Sonny in order to check in with girlfriend Josslyn.

Marshall takes a moment to not only feel grateful but voice his appreciation.

It’s the moment Emme Rylan (ex-Lulu) has been waiting for — and the ABC soap vet was so excited she shared it on video.

General Hospital spoilers for Tuesday March 28:

Something’s pushing all of Lucy’s buttons. Anyone want to bet her outrage is related to the Nurses Ball?

Cameron offers Spencer a bit of advice, but will he listen?

Elizabeth is in for a heck of a shock, while Scott has a revealing conversation with Laura, the former love of his life.

Diane is there when Robert needs an assist. Dare we hope sparks fly between them?

Vanessa Marcil shares sweet photos that grow up her “angel daughter” before our eyes.

General Hospital spoilers for Wednesday, March 29:

Port Charles bids an emotional good-bye to Epiphany, as the show honors the late Sonya Eddy.

General Hospital spoilers for Thursday, March 30:

Selina has information to offer… but anyone who knows anything about this sly minx knows she doesn’t just give something of value away!

Ava has been doing a pretty good job of keeping herself on the straight-and-narrow of late (aside from that whole “tried to kill Nikolas” thing). But today, she’s going to have a run-in with an enemy!

When Spencer takes a meeting with Victor, will this put the older man’s plan one step closer to fruition?

Well, this doesn’t sound good: Dex makes what can only be described as a “gruesome” discovery. Could this mean curtains for someone?

General Hospital spoilers for Friday, March 31:

Is it wrong that when we hear that Lucy will be in a frantic state today, we kinda look forward to it? Sorry, but the more worked up Lucy gets, the more fun she is to watch!

Spencer is having some serious second thoughts.

Off her encounter with an enemy yesterday, today finds Ava taking a meeting with a far friendlier face: Austin.

Well, folks, it’s official: Hell has frozen over. How else to explain that Nina and Carly manage to set aside their differences? (Something tells us this can only be related to Sonny… )

When there’s a major setback, Maxie and Felicia work to get things back on track as quickly as possible.

Why yes, several Port Charles couples, characters and storylines made our list of things fans are most likely to fight about!

— Richard Simms/Amy Mistretta

General Hospital Spoilers March 20 – 31 (2024)


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